"Hello, pretty boy."

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Chanyeol isn't prepared when Sehun comes rushing into his room, drunk out of his mind with a tan boy sucking on his lips. He stares in horror as the drunk boy makes his way into Chanyeol's bed, eliciting moans and all kinds of strange sounds. Chanyeol watches on terror, until finally he decides to scream loudly over there blaring music from downstairs, where an unwanted party is being held.

The orange silver haired boy responsible for everything looks up from his position atop of the tanned male with incredibly plum lips, chuckling nervously before looking around and realising this is not his room. "Eheh, sorry Channie."

Both boys scramble from his bed, still heavily kissing until the door shuts behind them, leaving Sehun baffled. He doesn't want to seem like too innocent, but he's always read romance novels in his spare time. He's always dreamed of fabulous fates under chandeliers and silk table cloths. A man with beautiful lips and an equally entertaining personality. His expectations are always so high.

He doesn't know what's gotten into him, but seeing Sehun kiss someone so passionately makes him crave for a life of romance and mystery. A life worth writing a novel about. He wants to be fed chocolate eclairs on a picnic blanket and showered with a million kisses every morning. Chanyeol wants to be able to call Friday's movie nights and be able to cuddle up to someone willing to listen to him ramble on when the movie starts to get boring. And most of all, he wants to rid of his virgin title.

Chanyeol has always been someone of seclusion. He's got plenty of friends and people have shown interest in him in the past, but none of them ever sound enthusiastic or willing for anything long-term. Although he wants such fantastic things, it won't be easy when he can barely open his mouth in public spaces. He knows there's a party downstairs, but this is Sehun's party and he had previously begged him not to hold it, eventually insisting to stay in his room.

Out of frustration, he flops onto his head, smelling sweat and lust, every kind of emotion evident on his sheets. He wants some kind of love. He's always wanted. The minute he walked into his campus home, he wanted to be whisked onto his feet on top of the staircase and serenaded with love, but his fantasy world was instead met with beer and bags of chips being thrown in every direc-

"Oh, excuse me, do you live here?"

Chanyeol looks up, his pale yellow sweater covering his opened mouth. His eyes glistening at the sight in front of him. He knows love at first sight is stupid and all that talk of rejecting everyone earlier still applies, but he never said that he wasn't constantly swept away by good looks, and the boy standing at his door is ethereal.

"I-um, y-yeah I live here." Chanyeol almost strangles himself as his words come out incoherently, sounding completely opposite to what he wanted. Despite his little slip up, the silver haired, blue eyed boy waltzes in, a smile on his face. His confidence impresses Chanyeol, although he is anxious in case his room seems messy or his sweater makes him seem like a prude.

"The party was getting a little much. Do you mind it if I stay here and just chat with you? I was gonna look for a bathroom but you look to cute to ignore." The silver haired boy captivates Chanyeol, sitting down on the floor next to Chanyeol's bed where he is still laid flat on top of the covers. Chanyeol hides his lips, blushing intensively.

"The party doesn't sound boring?" Chanyeol's statement comes out more as a question. He tests his reigns, deciding that starting a conversation would be better than lying on his bed in complete silence whilst a highly attractive stranger sits on his floor.

"Well, electronic dance music never does. But when frat guys with the same haircut are telling you to play beer pong with them and you look over and see a girl on the table with ten cups on her bare stomach, it gets a little repulsive. Besides, I'm gay, so it was ten times worse." Both Chanyeol and the boy laugh. Chanyeol admires his confidence even more, loving how open he is about his sexuality.

"I-I'm gay too. . . ." Chanyeol wants to immediately hit himself after stuffing his face in the covers. His statement almost sounded false, and he hated how the boy looked at him in a strange way, eager but nervous. He didn't want to create that kind of tension between them, despite them never having met before.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I'm not going to judge you, that would just be hypocritical." The boy laughs, a simple showing as his lips stretch into a sweet smile and his pearly teeth show just a little over his top lip, making his look like some kind of angle sent from the heavens to answer all of Chanyeol's prayers. Could this be some kind of sign?

"I know you won't judge me." Chanyeol looks at the boy nervously. He so badly doesn't want the other to be creeped out, he just wants this to be the right boy. Then again, he thinks that every time. And then he is disappointed by the lack of excitement.

"How so? You barely even know my name." The boy replies, looking at Chanyeol in pure amusement. Chanyeol chuckles, resting back on his bed. He doesn't have time to process the next events quick enough, but he feels a dip in the mattress and then a body next to him.

"Let's get closer, pretty boy, my name's Baekhyun."

"I'm Chanyeol."

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