"His name is Tibbles, and you are wrong."

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Chanyeol hates college. He hates the long, boring lectures and he hates his stupid, sociable classmates. He hates how they speak to each other so freely and confidently, whereas he struggles to form single sentences. He hates how people mock him and tease him. He hates how he reacts to it. They're his friends, and even though he knows they're joking, he still hates how he's the easy target. He hates it.

He plugs his music in and as soon as his earphones meet his ears he's in heaven. The smooth strums of the guitar and the subtle breathy voice makes his heart melt as he begins to make some toast. He shares his apartment with five of his friends and classmates - Sehun, Kyungsoo, Suho, Chen and Xiumin. They are the only people he can speak to without instantly getting into an argument. Chanyeol isn't confident. And he hates it. To fix it, he argues. It's the one thing he's good at. And so conversations usually begin with him being defensive, before immediately accusing someone.

All his life he's been judged incorrectly. Chanyeol likes oversized things. He likes wearing enormous black hoodies that make him look like a burglar and chunky shoes that make him feel like a king. He likes wearing big things to mask his small personality. Because of this, people immediately think he's some tough fighter. When in fact, it's quite the opposite. Only his closest friends know that he sleeps with a blue bunny called Tibbles and wants nothing more than to be cuddled and eat pasta whilst watching Disney movies.

People are just petrified of him.

"Chanyeol?" Sehun's voice sounds from the living room, much louder and more annoying than Chanyeol's music. He chooses to ignore the younger, lying back down on his bed peacefully, cradled in a million blankets as he lets each note deep into his blood. Unfortunately, Sehun decides to test his patience.

The door swings open and in comes Sehun, his black hair gelled back nicer than usual, his face stern and annoyed-looking. Chanyeol rips his earphones out of his ears and is prepared to rant to Sehun about the joy music makes him feel and how Sehun just stamped on his joy and threw it out of the window, but then someone else walks in.

"Yeol, this is Baekhyun. He's part of CBX, Xiumin and Chen's band. He wants to speak to you." Sehun shoves the boy in, and both people look a little shocked. The boy has silver-blonde hair, with tints of white here and there. He looks just a little older, only because Chanyeol recognises him from a group of seniors he once bumped into. Oh god, is he going to accuse me of bumping into him?

"That's a cute bunny." Chanyeol's heard it before. An awkward filler. A filler to ensure that the awkward silence is just a second more bearable. He hates it. Instead of replying, he takes his time to study the boy. Although shorter than most men his ages, he's somewhere over the 5 foot region which isn't too bad. His style is something Chanyeol admires, smart and simple.

"His name is Tibbles, and you are wrong." Chanyeol protests, closing his eyes as he uses his sassy tone to emphasise his pathetic insult. Baekhyun smirks, crossing his arms and poking his tongue out of his delicate mouth.

"And how exactly am I wrong?" Baekhyun says, his voice more velvety than before, more focused and entertained- more, natural. He's comfortable. It happened so quickly that Chanyeol finds himself almost impressive and drops his intense aura. His cheeks burn pink suddenly and he cups his face as he thinks of an answer.

"Because, Tibbles does not like to be called cute. He's tough, he has a red nose to resemble the deep anger inside of him, thank-you me very much."Chanyeol pouts, not knowing what to feel anymore. He doesn't want to be a dramatic teenager, but Baekhyun is very attractive. And he's in a band. And he seems confident, but not self-appreciative. Chanyeol likes him, but only slightly.

"You have red ears, what does that resemble? That you're blushing because you're interested in me?" Baekhyun challenges Chanyeol, intruding His already clouded mind further, breaking him down with his simple sultry voice. He knows the effect he has on Chanyeol, after barely a few minutes he's read the boy as shy and easily flustered. He carries a bunny around for heaven's sakes. It's adorable.

"Anyway, why do you want to talk to me. I'm trying to listen to quality artists who have voices I actually enjoy indulging myself in, unlike yours." Chanyeol's sentence answers his own question about his lack of friends. He doesn't want to seem scary and pessimistic, but right now his vibe is exactly that.

"Because I see you all around campus with Xiumin and Jongdae. You're shy, clumsy, cute, misunderstood. My type of person. I'm not a stalker though, just so you know. And you haven't even heard my singing voice." Baekhyun retorts, his own small blush creeping up onto his flawless skin. Running a hand through his hair, he cannot help but enjoy Chanyeol's simplicity. He's wearing oversized clothing, his appearance is like everyone else's. But then it's not. His ears are big and elfish, his eyes are gullible and babyish and his lips have a constant pout and Baekhyun can't get enough of it.

"I have heard you sing. In 'Blooming Day', that song Xiumin showed me along time ago. And thank you for the compliments, but I am none of the things you said I am. I can't believe you think I'm clumsy? I've not tripped once in my lifetime thank you very much!"

2 years later.

"Yeollie baby, remember when you denied being in love with me? That first time we spoke when you introduced me to Tibbles?" Baekhyun's voice sounds from the living room of the dorm. Baekhyun has graduated, and is now working his way to recording a debut album with Xiumin and Chen, who were signed by SM label.

Chanyeol takes pride in knowing he has a pop star boyfriend, or soon to be pop star. "No, I don't recall."

"Shut up, baby boy."

"I do not answer to that term. " Chanyeol loves answering to that term.

"Yes you do, don't hide from me Yeollie, I'll steal Tibbles otherwise."

"Okay fine, I loooooove you."

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