"Don't ever say that again."

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Music plays in the background, simple piano that drifts into my ears beautifully. Baekhyun is behind me, my body leaning against his gently as we stare outside of the colored glass panes of our window as the rain falls. It's a picturesque scene, and I couldn't feel more at home.

But I also feel other things. And I hate it. Because nothing in my life is wrong, I have never faced hardships and yet here I am sulking inwardly about my body image and other imperfections I have. I don't like my face, I loathe my ears, my voice is too loud for anyone to enjoy listening to me speak. Baekhyun could do so much better. He should have so much better. . .

"Baby, are you okay? You seem kind of quiet." Baekhyun's voice causes his chest to the vibrate, and he feeling runs through my spine like electricity. I try peering up, tilting my neck up to see my perfect boyfriend. I love Baekhyun. His features are perfect unlike my bulky ones, he looks angelic, but is a cheeky devil at heart. His personality is likable, and as a result he has many friends. He's always put me first and I never complain, but I don't deserve it.

My cheeks heat up and my neck becomes sweaty. I hate it when he asks this, because I don't know my reply which results in him asking me more and more questions. I can never get past Baekhyun, I know that he knows something is up. He'll catch me staring too long in the mirror, blinking one too many times or the excessive bags under my eyes due to the lack of sleep. I love him, but I always feel like he doesn't love me.

Holding back the sob that threatens to come out, I look back towards the beautiful window, the faint rain having died down to a simple putter patter. Sighing, I decide to blame it on the weather.

"I just didn't think it would rain for so long." I lie, gritting my teeth in pleasure as I feel his hands rub softly through the scruffy locks my of hair, my eyes shutting on command as I relish in the moment. I love it when Baekhyun plays with my hair, his fingers scratch my scalp just slightly whilst threading through my hair, and it always sends me to sleep.

"Are you sure that's all, baby?" He asks, the mood turning sour with a simple question. I shift, moving myself to the side, ignoring his question. The tension is lingering, it always has been. Every time he asks the question, my silence answers it for him. Today, however, he reacts differently.

I feel the mattress lift as Baekhyun's weight leaves the bed. Sighing, I expect him to leave the room in order to distract himself, but when my eyes open, he's right there, beautiful raven locks just covering his eyebrows. There's a scowl on his face, eyebrows knitted together in frustration.

"Channie, baby, I don't want these excuses anymore. Please tell me what's wrong. I notice everything, I see the doubt in you. Just tell me what's wrong so I can make it better for you. Please." His voice sounds so desperate. I know what he's thinking, I knew every time he saw me doubt myself in the mirror one too many times. He knows what's wrong, and wants to help me.

In seconds, I break down in tears. That's all it takes, to see his crescent eyes looking so disappointed and loving, to see his lips firm and serious. That's all it takes. In desperation, I hug him, wrapping my unnecessarily gangly arms around his unlikely broad shoulders, taking in his fresh laundry scent and warmth. I need this so much.

"Oh, baby, you should've just come to me? I know you feel like you'd be putting pressure on me, but you really aren't. I only want the best for you, please tell me what's wrong. If it's your body, then I don't know why you're worrying. You have the body of a god, Chanyeol. You're absolutely stunning and beautiful, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your boyfriend. You're far from average, you're creative and innovative and so, so cute. Anyone could mistake you for a model."

His words mean nothing to me. I block out every compliment because I simply don't deserve them. I'm so frustrated with everyone always saying these things, only to please me and distract me for a while. It doesn't work when the night falls and I'm alone in front of my mirror, sulking and panicking about my image. And I can't complain, simply because I brought it on myself. No one was the cause of this hatred. Just me, myself and I. And whenever I speak up about it, guilt fills me for a week straight until I can convince myself to leave my room.

"No, no no. I'm not. Stop lying. Please, Baekhyun. You deserve someone so much better than me, you're the handsome one. You could get anyone you want. So why choose me? I'm ugly, pathetic and stupid." I don't know why I'm saying all this whilst being wrapped in his arms, but he pushes me away, and for once I take my words seriously. I don't want him to leave me. He's the only person I can be around without fully hating myself. But now here I am doubting myself even more for asking him to leave. Please don't leave, Baekhyun.

"Chanyeol, shut up. You don't want compliments? I won't give them to you. Just please understand that Im not dating you because of your looks, that's not it. We're the perfect match because of your amazing personality, your usual outgoing confidence and our similar political beliefs," he takes a moment to chuckle, and as usual it makes my heart melt. "Even if there are more attractive people out there, they're all going to have insecurities just like you. But you've let yourself become consumed by them, you've lost your magical spark. The light in your eyes has gone. Please, Channie. Just, let me help you and we'll work through this together, because I am sure as hell not going to leave. Don't ever say that again."

I feels as if I've just been slapped in the face, and although Baekhyun's words haven't fixed everything, I can distract myself for now. Baekhyun's fingers wrap around my chin, and his lips on mine are all I feel. The kiss is just like it always is, but the emotion in my breaths, the love in his eyes is all I need.

"I love you Baekhyun, I'm sorry."

"I'm the one who should be sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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