Chapter 1

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Natalia's POV

I heard a woman's sweet laughter in the air. Mom. I frantically searched the clearing before I started running towards the direction in which the sound was coming from. I broke from the shadow of the trees to find myself at the back of the pack house. A barbecue was being held and I found my whole family there. This was the day that I lost everything.

I watched my sixteen year old self flirting with one of the boys in a corner. My brother, Jake, came up behind me and glared at the boy who quickly scurried off. I turned around with a confused expression and Jake quickly replaced his glare with a soft smile that was reserved only for me, his baby sister. I raised my eyebrow but he just laughed before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I didn't bother to struggle as I had grown use to Jake's cave man stunts. He carried me over to the stage, where our parents were waiting, and he plopped me down in a chair. I quickly adjusted my dress and fixed my hair while Jake laughed at my prissy behaviour. Today was the day that dad would be handing over his Alpha title to Jake and I was happy for him.

From the back of the crowd, I watched myself and my family as the final moments of happiness I had with them played out in front of me. Jake had just officially been declared the Alpha when a silver arrow flew out of nowhere and pierced his heart. My sixteen year old self screamed before she went to his side. Shaking him and crying, I relived the pain I felt as our bond broke and he breathed his last. My uncle, Michael, ran over and picked me up as he carried me away from the scene but not before I saw my parents' bodies fall to the ground. Their lifeless eyes stared back at me and my heart completely shattered as I felt their death through the bond. Pain. Heartbreak. Their eyes. Their blood. It was all my fault.

I bolted upright in bed and snapped my head to the right when I heard a sigh. My uncle gave me a tired smile.

"It took two buckets of water to wake you up this time, Natalia. And I'm sure your screams woke up the entire pack." He spoke in a tired voice and the dark circles under his eyes were more prominent. After he spoke, I realised that I was soaking wet.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 1 in the morning. I felt movement in the mind link and quickly sent out a message to everyone. Sorry for the disturbance. Return to your rooms and try and get some rest. We have training at 6am. I heard a chorus of "yes Luna" before the pack link slowly went dormant again.

I sighed before giving my uncle a small smile. "I'm fine now, uncle M. You need to get some rest though. Don't come for training and just focus on regaining your strength today. Thank you again for coming for me." He smiled before he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead. "You know I'll always come for you, my flower." He bid me goodbye before he exited my room.

I sighed before I made my way to the bathroom for a hot shower. Now that I was awake, there was no chance of going back to sleep. I sighed as the hot water soothed my body and my mind. This was the third time this week that I've had the same dream. And it was happening more frequently now. Just like it had been after the real incident two years ago.

I walked out of the bathroom in a towel and made my way to my walk in closet. I had a habit of changing in the closet rather than in the bathroom. I wore undergarments, yoga pants and a sports bra before grabbing a warm jacket and making my way to my office. I immediately started on the paperwork I had on my desk which isn't really much since I never liked to procrastinate. After finishing in the office, I decided to help the Omegas make breakfast for the pack before training. At about 5.30am, the sound of pounding feet could be heard as the members hurried downstairs after catching a whiff of the delicious food.

Greetings were passed around the room and smiles of appreciation were sent my way to which I shook my head and instead thanked the Omegas. My Beta and childhood friend, Alan made his way towards me with a cheeky smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow when he swung his heavy arm across my shoulder.

"You looking forward to the Alpha's conference this weekend?" He asked with a knowing smirk. I rolled my eyes at him. "Of course I am. I love being the only female Alpha and having to suffocate due to the amount of testosterone in the hall." I sarcastically stated and I heard a few pack members chuckle under their breath.

"Don't forget the amount of unmated Alphas, Betas and just males in general who will be looking for an opportunity to get into your pants." Jackson, my Third in command piped in. I took a few calmimg breaths. These two idiots are so lucky that we grew up together or I would have probably snapped their necks a long time ago.

"Let them try and I'll show them how fast I can remove their head from their body." I growled in annoyance before I detached myself from Alan and smacked the back of Jackson's head. "Now, stop stalling. It's almost 6am and don't even bother denying anything." I narrowed my eyes as they threw sheepish smiles in my direction. I sighed before I cracked a smile. They both beamed before they tackled me in a group hug. I rolled my eyes with a laugh before I hugged them back tightly.

The pack members were amused at the scene. Our regular bickering in the morning never failed to cheer everyone up.

"Ok, that's enough. Everyone out on the field, now. And you two," I pointed an accusatory finger at Alan and Jackson who raised their hands in mock surrender. "Behave." They nodded their heads with a little too much enthusiasm. The rest of the pack members quickly filed out of room and my idiotic friends followed after.

Alan ruffled Jackson's already messed up hair and he responded by elbowing Alan in the gut. I shook my head with a grin before I pulled both of them by their ears and dragged them along despite their protests.


So in order to deal with the writer's block I'm dealing with when it comes to ' Hey Mickey! ' I've decided to write a werewolf story which I have always wanted to do.

Ok so her dream might be a bit confusing but basically she's witnessing the events that took place on the day that her direct family members died.

So I'm pretty excited for this book and I can't be so sure as to when I'll update but just know that I will nonetheless.

Q: What do you think of Natalia?

Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote and follow. Til next time lovelies.

~ P

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