Chapter 3

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Natalia's POV

I woke up to an insistent pounding on my bedroom door and one of the worst hangovers ever. I stormed over to the door and practically threw it off its hinges when I flung it open.

"WHAT!" I growled menacingly at my uncle who returned my glare with a calm and indifferent look. "I suggest that you hurry up and get ready to leave for the conference, dear. You have about an hour at most. I'll have one of the Omegas send up your breakfast and something for your hangover. " He calmly stated before he kissed my forehead and turned to leave.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose with my other hand on my hip. "Uncle M?" I called out after him. "Yes, flower?" I gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for shouting at you." "I understand Nat. Now hurry up. The Luna needs to make an appearance at the conference."  He replied with a smile and a wink before leaving down the stairs.

I smiled before I made my way into the bathroom. I cleaned and scrubbed before walking towards my closet. I didn't really care that there were no doors in place, whoever tried to peek in would regret it. While dressing I caught the scent of one of the Omegas entering the room and placing a tray on my bedside table. "Thank you, Mary." I called out. "You're welcome, Luna." She responded happily before I sensed her leaving.

I walked out of my closet, fully dressed in black skinny jeans, a white tank top and my favourite black leather jacket. My dark brown hair was left in flowing waves that reached mid back and I barely put on any make-up besides mascara and some bold red lipstick. I wore my low heeled ankle boots to complete the outfit and a few other accessories here and there.

I did a twirl in front of my full length mirror and nodded my head in satisfaction. Once I laid eyes on my breakfast, I devoured it in seconds and gulped down the contents of the hangover cure my uncle had sent. I grabbed the keys to my Mercedes Benz before strolling down the stairs. I had already placed my bags in my car the day before so that I could spend less time worrying about it today. I quickly mindlinked someone to take care of my bedroom door as I entered the kitchen to see Alan and Jackson waiting for me.

"Well it took you long enough." Alan snapped and I growled at his disrespectful manner. "Sorry, sorry. " He raised his hands in defence.I nodded in understanding. "Don't worry I have the same problem. Blame it on the alcohol." Alan grinned and Jackson laughed before we headed out the door. Alan and I would be attending the conference while Jackson would stay behind to look after the pack.

"By the way, happy birthday. Again." Jackson flashed me a smile. Today was my actual birthday so I may or may not find my mate today. Great. Note the sarcasm.

"I hope I don't find my mate anytime soon." I mumbled under my breath but I knew they heard me because they froze. Stupid werewolf hearing. "But Natty, your mate is your other half. Without him you'll never be complete or strong enough. He's the one who is destined to love you and protect until the end of forever." Alan explained and I raised my eyebrow at the sentimental language he used. "Yes, Nat. Alan is right. Why wouldn't you want something like that?" Jackson questioned in confusion.

I sighed before I put on my shades. "Because having a mate means falling in love. And love is not a good thing for someone like me." I stated. Jackson and Alan wanted to protest but I held up a hand to stop them. "Before you say anything just hear me out. Love is a distraction and a weakness as well as a strength. It will only deter me from my mission and you both know that I plan on finding that son of a bitch if it's the last thing I do. And a mate would only get in the way of my plans. So no, I don't want a mate!"

After my little outburst, Alan and I got into our cars and drove off to the Dark Shadow pack territory. Their Alpha was the Head of the Alpha council and he was hosting this year's annual Alpha conference. It has been two years since I had taken up the role to be both the Alpha and Luna of the Red Dawn pack and I have never actually met the guy in person. Which is surprising, considering the fact that he's the Head of the council and a total playboy. But from what I've heard of him, he's as arrogant, controlling and as possessive as any Alpha. Typical.

We arrived fashionably late, as usual, to the resort where we would be staying and we were quickly greeted by the workers who took our luggage and gave us the keys as well as the directions to our rooms. The other Aplhas would have settled in by now and they're probably getting ready for the Alphas' Ball which will be held tonight before the Alphas' meeting tomorrow and then that concludes the two-day conference and I can go back home. Yes!

"Hey Nat. Hello. Earth to Natty." I focused my gaze to find Alan waving his hands in my face. "Get your ugly ass hands outta my face. Who knows what you've been doing with them." I teased him and he smirked before advancing towards me. "Oh I'll show you what I do with them." I squealed when he grabbed my sides and tickled me. I burst out laughing and started to squirm in his hold but the idiot wouldn't let me go. I kicked his feet from under him and he fell and took me down with him.

I landed on top of him in a not so innocent looking position. He stopped tickling me and instead we just laughed as the tension from earlier dissipated. "Ok dumbass, let's go find our rooms and get ready for the ball." I patted his chest and climbed off of him. Alan got up with a laugh and draped his arm over my shoulder as he pulled me closer to his body.

"Yeah but your moody ass loves my dumbass. Admit it, Natty Bear." He sang before he walked ahead of me with a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes before sprinting and jumping onto his back. Alan has a nice back by the way which is probably one of his better features. Instinctively he placed his hands under my thighs and continued walking with me clinging to him like a monkey. "Mwah!" I placed a big smooch on his cheek and he laughed. "Unfortunately you're right. I do love your dumbass." I sighed dramatically and he turned his head to the side. "I always knew you had the hots for me." He remarked. Smartass.

I flicked his ear. "Gosh, again with the violence!" He whined and I merely laughed. I can always count on this clown to make me laugh.

Best friends, what could you do without them.


Don't you just love it when girl-boy best friends act like couples? So adorable. 😍

So there's chapter 3. Tell me your thoughts on it in the comments and don't forget to vote and follow while you're at it.

Til next time lovelies


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