Chapter 8

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Natalia's POV

"So how was the meeting? I heard it was rather interesting?" Alan questioned in a teasing tone. We were playing thumb war in the car while we waited for his mate, Kat.

"Nothing new. My outfit caused a scene, as expected, my mate got all hot and possessive which led to a makeout session in the halls and then the normal boring meeting." I replied with a shrug. Though I didn't show it, my wolf and I were very happy with what had occurred this morning. But I'm not telling Alan that.

"Stop with the charades, Nat." He scolded just after I beat him again. He frowns but continued with his lecture. "You're still a girl. I bet you're internally fangirling over everything happened." I rolled my eyes at that. Of course, he could see right through me. There was a reason why he was my best friend and beta.

"Yeah right. I told him to keep this mate stuff on the down low. For now at least." I told him and he gaped at me. "So does that mean that you're gonna give the mate thing a try?" He clarified. "Sure. Why not?" I replied nonchalantly as I put on my aviators and faced the front.

What was taking this girl so long?

"Natty and Lucas sitting in a tree," he started singing. Oh God. I turned to him with a deadly glare that could have him six feet under. "Quit it." I growled at him in annoyance. But the idiot was suddenly deaf too. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I lunged in his direction and he screamed. I gripped the collar of his polo shirt but he only grinned back at me. "You wanna die, asshole?" I questioned as I straddled him.

"Not today." He pulled my hands away and opened the car door before trying to escape. But I was still straddling him so instead of escaping, he fell to the ground and took me down with him. What a dumb move. I fell to the ground with an 'oomph' and glared at him as he hovered above me. "Shit, that didn't go as planned." He frowned and was about to get his fat ass off me when we heard a feminine growl accompanied by a more powerful growl. Great. 

"We are so dead." Alan muttered under his breath just before his body weight disappeared and I found myself in the arms of my mate. "MINE!" Lucas growled out in a really deep voice which indicated that his wolf was in control at the moment. I tried to peek over his shoulder and found Alan lying on the ground with his head in the lap of a pretty brunette who was currently glaring daggers at my mate and I.

"Lucas, you idiot. You could have seriously hurt him." Kat growled at him and I was surprised that she addressed him by his first name. "Well, if he had kept his hands to himself then maybe I wouldn't have done that. And take that back. I am not an idiot!" Lucas retorted, back to his normal self, as he turned to face her with me in his arms still.

"You are the most idiotic person I know. And it wasn't his fault. Your so called mate had her hands all over him." She continued. Irritation filled my body at the nerve of this girl. First she makes us wait for her and now she's implying that I was trying to steal her mate. Oh hell nah.

I took the opportunity to escape from Lucas's grasp when he loosened his hold on me. I fixed my outfit and turned to face Katherine with a hand on my hip. "Ok, listen here bitch. I understand that Alan is your mate but if you're gonna be joining my pack, then we need to sort out some issues." I started. She opened her mouth to object but I shot her one of my deadly glares which would make anyone tremble. She instantly shut up and I continued.

"First of all, don't ever make me wait again. Or it will lead to situations like this." I clarified and though understanding flashed in her eyes, she continued to frown at me. Stubborn she-wolf.

"Now, I understand that Alan is your mate and all but he's also my best friend." Alan looked at me with a pointed look and I rolled my eyes with a sigh. "And because of his annoying ass, I won't let this one encounter define my perception of you." Her frown was replaced with a smile which I returned. She seemed surprised that I was able to actually smile, not smirk.

"Don't worry." Alan told her as he got up and wrapped his arm over her shoulder. "Nat may seem all tough and scary but she's a real softie at heart. You'll both get along great." He smiled softly at her as she returned the look. I turned away from them to give them a bit of privacy as they talked and *cough* started to do other things.

"Do you really have to go?" Lucas asked and I looked up, startled to find that he had closed the distance between us, with our toes now touching. "Yeah." I mumbled as I stared at him dazed. He smirked as he saw this and took the opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer to his body. Sparks erupted and his warmth encased me. I mentally sighed in peace and happiness as his scent and presence calmed me completely.

"I wish you didn't have to." He growled softly which snapped me back to reality. What am I doing? "Sorry, good looking. But I got duties to attend to." I replied with a smirk as I slowly pulled away from him; my walls were back in place. He seemed to sense this change as he released me with a sigh.

"At least give me a kiss before you leave." He muttered sarcastically to which my smirk grew bigger. Heck, why not? "I thought you'd never ask." I replied before placing my lips against his. I let myself melt in the moment as his arms wrapped around my waist once more. Fuck the walls. Tingles enveloped me as I gently tugged on his hair. He growled softly and I had to stop myself from swooning.

"Ahem." Alan had to ruin the moment by clearing his throat. I didn't have to turn around to see that he had a stupid smirk on his face. "Of course he had to ruin it." I muttered in annoyance. Lucas' chest vibrated as he chuckled, the sound warming me to the bone.

I smacked his chest and playfully glared at him. Lucas only gave me a heartstopping grin in return.

"I guess I better go now." I couldn't hide the disappointment I felt as it leaked into my words. Lucas frowned at this. He looked so adorable. I softly pecked his lips and pulled away before it could escalate further. Lucas growled in annoyance when I winked at him. "Goodbye for now Lucas." His eyes darkened slightly as he replied huskily. "Goodbye Natalia." I visibly shivered and the idiot smirked at my reaction.

"Okay love birds, let's get going. We haven't got all day." Kat intervened and and I rolled my eyes at her. "Right." I replied before making my way to my car. "Alright see ya, big bro." Kat told Lucas after she had hugged him. My eyes widened slightly in shock but I quickly covered it up with my sunglasses. I'm gonna kill Alan for not telling me.

I snapped my head in Alan's direction to see him backing away slowly towards his car with a sheepish grin on his face. You are so dead. I mindlinked him and he quickly got into his car.

"Kat, you'll be riding back in my car with me." I told her and she slightly frowned. "Why?" She questioned at the same time that Alan did. Payback time, Alan. I folded my arms against my chest and leaned against my car.

"Because we're already late as it is and if you go with Alan, then you'll take forever to reach the pack since you two will probably end up doing something by the side of the road." I could tell that she got what I was implying when she began blushing. My excuse was total bullshit though they didn't need to know that. "Plus I want to hear some of Lucas' embarrassing childhood stories." This part was true. Her blush disappeared and she smirked with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road." She replied in glee as she sat herself down on the passenger seat of my car. I laughed at her enthusiasm as I sat in the driver's seat. The engine began roaring with life and I sighed. I missed driving my car. It's been only two days but still.

I pushed my glasses to rest on my head before throwing Lucas a kiss. He  gave me a heartstopping smile in return. I shook my head before driving away from the Dark Shadow pack territory and my handsome mate.


So adorable! I seriously love them so much. Both couples are so cute. Okay I'll stop now.

Any suggested shipnames for Alan&Katherine or Lucas&Natalia? I'm horrible at them.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did, don't forget to comment. Also vote and follow while you're at it.

So til next time lovelies.


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