Chapter 10

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Lucas's POV

The cool morning breeze brushed past me. I ran my fingers through them in anticipation.

My wolf and I were anxious to see our mate again. Though it had only been a day, it felt like forever.

We have to figure out a way for her to stay with us. This is a rather difficult situation since we're both Alphas but I believe that we'll be able to merge our packs without too much trouble.

I parked near a quaint coffee shop that was located opposite a luxurious apartment building. I walked in and ordered a dark mocha. The girl behind the counter did nothing to hide the fact that she was staring at me but I merely ignored it.

"Lucas!" The girl announced with a flirty smile as she read out my name on the cup. I internally cringed as I grabbed my coffee and walked out with a stoic facade. She was lucky she was human.

The morning air rushed into my lungs  as I stared aimlessly at the apartment on the other side of the road. The hot coffee slightly burnt my tongue yet the feeling was better than the biting cold wind that relentlessly whipped against my body.

The doors of the apartment suddenly opened and a woman walked out. I noticed her confident gait and recognition struck my heart. An hourglass figure that was well defined by the black body con dress she downed though it was rather exposing for a cold day such as this. She took out her phone and her brown curls fell forward to shield her face from my view but I didn't need to see her face to know who she was. My wolf would recognised  our mate anywhere. Because of the direction of the wind I caught her scent which confirmed that it was indeed Natalia Perez herself.

I wonder what she was doing in a human town outside of her pack territory. I dumped my coffee in the nearest rubbish bin and adjusted my scarf before preparing to walk over to her. My body stilled as I watched a man exit the building and make his way towards her. My wolf was uneasy after looking at the man. 

I watched as he reached out and lightly placed his hand on her waist. My wolf didn't like what we were seeing and began to pace in my mind as he prepared to attack. Natalia turned to face the man with a soft smile. Jealousy pricked my heart as I watched their interaction.

The man covered her with a warm coat and I watched as his hands moved from her shoulders to her cheeks as he held her face in his hands. A few inaudible words were exchanged between them before he leaned down and kissed her forehead. My anger only intensified as his arms wrapped around her in an embrace. My heart pained at the sight and I turned away from them and began walking towards my Ferrari.

How could she? While I'm miserable because I miss her, she's out with another man who isn't her mate! And who knows, she probably even slept with him. The thought of her entangled under the sheets with another man made my blood boil with hurt and anger. The beast inside of me wanted out.

Yes, I agree I'm being hypocritical since I'm known for being a player but that was before I laid eyes on her. I was willing to change for her but I guess it's my fault for thinking that she'd do the same for me. Why would she do this?

I climbed into my car and tried to calm myself and my raging wolf. He wanted to murder the man as soon as we saw him place his hand on Natalia. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to control my breathing. I opened my eyes and looked into the rear view mirror. My eyes met with the dark brown eyes of my mate. Shock and confusion were evident in them but before she could react, I sped away from there with whatever self control I had left.


So.... thoughts on the chapter??


Yeah, I thought it sucked too. I can't wait for the upcoming drama. Just think of this as the calm before the storm. 😉

So you guys know the drill : tell me your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote and follow while you're at it.

Till next time lovelies

P.s. Apology for the hiatus in the next chapter. That's right guys, it's a double update because I feel awful for leaving you guys hanging like that.

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