Episode 1

399 7 3

Arisa Cox's POV

Back by popular demand, this is Big Brother Canada 6: Good vs Evil. Now, in the search for the best Canadians to be on this season, one American was chosen and has no idea why they are here. We can reveal to the world that the American was chosen because they are the nicest American candidate the US version had in casting and we wanted to see how the nicest American would act in the Canadian Big Brother. Do you want to meet him? Let's meet Brett Price.

I am thrilled to have an American houseguest. Robyn Kass was so hyped when I presented the idea to her after seeing Brett's VT and she agreed to the crazy idea. I hope he does well.

Brett's POV

I am so excited to be on this show. I still cannot believe that I made it on Big Brother Canada as the first American. I may have played up the nice act in my audition but brought out my game player in my audition. I know my family and friends will be shocked I'm on here since I did not tell them but that was on purpose. I did not do preseason press on purpose either so no one has an idea about who I am until my VT. Speaking of which, my VT begins.

Hi, my name is Brett Price and I am a 21-year-old college student and web designer from NYC in the US. I love helping people and am a huge Big Brother superfan. My favorite players are season 2 Neda, Season 3 Danielle Reyes, and last season Ika. I hope these Canadian houseguests and the fans are ready because the American Invasion is here!

I walk out and I am met with cheers. Arisa hugs me and asks me how I am feeling.

"I'm feeling great Arisa. I have watched every season of Big Brother Canada and am hoping to rep my home country proud."

"What is the one thing you will miss most from home?"

I tear up and begin to answer. "My mom. She is my best friend and is my motivation to win this. I wouldn't be here without her. In fact, she has no idea that I am here. Hi mom. I'm so sorry."

"That's sweet. Is this the kind of person you are in your real life?"

"Somewhat. Let's just say I should win an Oscar for my daily performance of being a nice person. I don't like being mean, but if you cross me, all I see is red and I'm not talking about the Canadian flag."

"Great answer. Are you ready to enter the Big Brother house?"

"Why of course. See you when I win this season. Love you all."

I walk through the doors and do my reveal.

"Yo Canucks! Get ready because the American Invasion is here."

I hear gasps and smirk, knowing I got the reaction I wanted.

I walk down the stairs and meet everyone. I first see Jesse and am blown away.

He shakes my hand and introduces himself.

"Hey man, I'm Jesse."

"I'm Brett. Come guys. You cannot be so nice and so good looking. You all are making me look bad."

I see someone that reminds me of Neda and introduce myself.

"Brett here. What's your name?"

I whisper in her ear, "Is it Neda?"

She freezes but gains composure. I think I just made an ally.

"I hope no one else thinks that way."

"Don't worry. I won't bring it up to anyone. You can trust me."


I look and see a Jon look-alike in Will and say the same thing to him. Ally number 2.

"As time goes on, I sit back and realize who I have made connections with: the pretty people in Kaela, Derek, Will, Paras, and Jesse. I have also made connections with Johnny and Erica because of one big secret that nobody knows but my mom: I am bi.

I realized it at an early age, but it's not something I want to scream to the world. I am not ashamed to be bi. It's just that I want to be known for something other than who I love. I will bring this up when it is right and I feel like Erica or Johnny might be the right people to do this."

Arisa tells us to grab a glass and I immediately notice one of the chalices is different from the rest so I grab it. I have always had an eye for the different and I hope it benefits me this time. Arisa announces that I picked up the "cursed" cup. I was then sent to the Diary Room. There, I was told that eight people would be in heaven and seven would be in hell and it was my choice to decide how it worked out.

I sat there thinking that I needed to get the physical threats on my side and I wanted the people who I did not connect with to be in hell. I decided to put myself, Kaela, Derek, Will, Paras, Jesse, Maddy, and Erica. I was torn between Maddy, Erica, Hamza, and Johnny, but I needed to make my plan work. I told the houseguests that I divided up four girls and four guys to make things fair. 

After that, all of us safe people were put in a white VIP area and got to watch the others perform in the HOH comp. I don't care who wins at this point because I know I am safe. As I am watching the competition, I notice who is doing well and who isn't. Johnny is killing it and it makes me happy because I feel like he could be a good ally in the long run. 

We are seated in two separate tables: Me, Paras, Jesse, and Will in one group and Derek, Kaela, Maddy, and Erica in the other table. Paras leans over to me and whispers, "Meet us six in the White Room after everyone has gone to bed." 

I nod and feel somebody grab my hand. I look to see Jesse holding my hand. I try not to react but on the inside I'm screaming. I saw him smirk at me and then turn to Paras and start flirting with her. I yank my hand away and go over to Erica.

"I've had crushes, but this is a new feeling. I am sad though because why would Jesse ever go for a guy like me?  He could have any girl. I am just going to act like nothing is wrong and maybe I will get over my crush."

The competition ends with Johnny winning HOH. I am so excited for Johnny! I honestly don't care who goes home because the people I am close with are safe. Let's see who's nominated, wins the veto, and goes home.

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