Episode 19

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Previously on Big Brother Canada:

She leaves through the Diary Room and I break down. I head up to HOH where everyone else is and they all hug me. I know I maybe fighting for the crown and $100K, but I have already won by gaining friends that I consider family. This was so worth throwing the HOH. I hope Kaela honors her deal.

I ask Kaela who she is going to put up and she tells me Will and Johnny. I feel bad for Will because he always is used as a pawn. She keeps to her word and puts up Will and Johnny. I just hope Johnny does not win Veto because I want him to go home.

Now on Big Brother Canada

This week has been really calm, almost too calm. Now come to think of it, I have not really talked to Kaela or Derek this week. I am not going to get paranoid, but I am not going to get comfortable. I need to make sure that in case something goes wrong, I remain in this house. I see Maddy and talk with her to calm myself down.

M: Brett, are you okay?

B: Be honest with me. Is it too calm right now?

M: What do you mean?

B: Most times people are scrambling to get votes and are arguing. I don't mind the quiet, but I am confused by it.

M: Maybe it is the loved ones comp that got everyone so calm.

B: Maybe. I guess I am scared because I worry that I am not doing a good job for my family. I want to make them proud.

M: I understand.

B: How was your visit with your sister?

M: Amazing. She was so excited to be in the Big Brother house, even for just an hour.

B: My mom called me because she had to fly back for work. I wish I would have got to hug her and talk to her more.

M: I did not know that.

B: Yeah. It's ok though because it was nice enough to hear her and see her on the screen.

M: That's why we were locked in the HOH.

B: Yeah. I just wanted to catch up and vent because I was lonely.

M: Glad I can help.

I leave and go in my bed. The veto players are picked and of course, I am not picked. This week sucks for me. I at least get chosen to host. 

I get called into the diary room to put on my costume. I see two costumes and I am confused.

P = Producer, B = Brett

B: I have a question: What is with the two costumes?

P: This competition is a medieval themed competition and we wanted to know if you wanted to dress up as the king or queen?

Oh my God! I forgot that in my audition tape, I had a part where I was in full drag. That is one thing no one knows and I want them to find out in the finale. The only person who knows is my drag sister, Aquaria. I met her when we were both underage drag queens and we have been friends ever since. I might have forgotten to mention that I went to a boarding school in NYC for high school.

Anyways, I answer the producer.

B: I want to do it on finale night, whether I am in final 2 or not.

P: You sure?

B: I want the whole world to be shocked. No one besides my best friend from NYC knows and as they say, the best part of any party is the element of surprise.

P: We will respect your wishes.

B: Thanks. Promise you won't be disappointed.

I leave and we begin the competition.

The competition is called Under Fire. "In this competition, HouseGuests will first fire one shot at the target to determine their ranking. The HouseGuest with a shot closest to the bullseye will be ranked highest, the second closest HouseGuest the second highest, and so forth. In each round, the two lowest competitors will compete head-to-head to knock down their opponent's army. The winner of the match will eliminate their opponent, and move to the next round. The last HouseGuest standing will win the Power of Veto"

Johnny scores the highest in the first round so he gets a bye. Olivia beats Paras and battles Derek. Derek not only beats her, but beats Will and Maddy. Johnny and Derek are close the entire time.

Luckily, Derek wins the veto. I ask him what the plan is and they want to get rid of Johnny since Johnny voted against them and lied about it. They say the plan is the same and the way they both said it scared me.

I get up and decide to the camera.

"Hey Canada, I am not going to say the cliche thing and say your boy is in trouble because that phrase is so overused. I am not in the best position in the world, but this is where legends are made. Am I going to sit and watch someone take my dream away or am I going to rise to the occasion and prove why I belong here? 

Jesse, Hamza, mom, this is for you. I am going to win. Mark my words. I am going to be there finale night and you will see me crowned as a winner. I do not know how I will get there yet, but trust me, the meek Brett is gone because the stone-cold assassin is back and he is going to dominate this game."

I head inside because the veto ceremony is about to begin and honestly, I do not know what is going to happen. I just hope Derek thinks that Johnny is the bigger target and decides not to use the veto.

I sit on the couch trying to read the body language of both Derek and Kaela and they seem calm. They are smiling towards me so that makes me feel a little bit more safe, but I am still on edge. Derek stands up and makes his decision.

"I have decided not to use the Power of Veto. This ceremony is adjourned."

Got through one more eviction. At least I won't be the first Jury member. I hope I am not a jury member at all honestly. Let's see who goes home.

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