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*This is the last chapter of this story.*

I just evicted Kaela and Will and it is time to get to work. You have the Iranian social butterfly in Paras. Next to her you have the charming devil in Derek. Then you have the babyfaced assassin in Brett. I know that my only chance to make the final 2 is if I win this HOH. Paras and I have an understanding that whoever wins this final HOH will take Derek. I think Derek will take Paras over me.

The morning after the double eviction, Arisa calls us into the living room.

A: Hello houseguests! Congrats on making it to final 3! One more eviction then you are in the final 2. It would be awesome to get advice from past winners of the game right? Well, you are in luck because tonight, you will be meeting the BB royalty. Here is their best clips.

I watch the clip in awe. Jillian, the first winner and the comp beast of her season. Jon, the second winner and the social assassin of his season. Sarah, the third winner and the fighter of her season. Nick and Phil, the dynamic duo and the complete competitors of their season. Lastly, Kevin, the fifth winner and the comeback kid of his season.

I am so excited to meet them. I walk into the nomination room and they all sit there. I am honestly trying not to fangirl so hard right now.

B = Brett, Ji = Jillian, Jo = Jon, K = Kevin, N = Nick, P = Phil, S = Sarah

B: Oh come on! You guys are even hotter in person than on my laptop. Wait, that sounded so weird. Hi guys.

S: It's alright Brett. So we have been watching your game.

B: You have? I hope it is a good thing.

K: It is.

B: I cannot look at you without thinking inappropriate thoughts. Sorry. You are hot and I have been without action in over a month. Can you blame a guy? Plus, you are the reason why I decided to audition for Big Brother.

K: I am?

B: Yeah.

K: I am flattered. We have some questions for you.

B: Shoot.

K: I'll go first. What do you think is the reason why you should win?

B: Night one, I came in as a twist and instantly had a target. I knew right away that I needed to be bold to survive the first week. I used my OCD and knowledge of the game to realize that one of the cups was different than the others. I have had to make some difficult decisions to get myself here. For example, voting out Jesse.

Ji: As someone who was in a showmance in their season, why did you vote out Jesse?

B: I came here to win Big Brother and I knew that I could not have anything that could diverge my attention from my goal. I am self-aware enough to realize when I am getting too attached to someone so I had to set a plan in motion. Before Andrew left, I told him to call out people, Jesse included, in order for people to distrust Jesse. I had an alliance with Hamza and Erica as well.

P: Why vote out people you trusted over people you did not?

B: I'm glad you asked. Just because you trust someone does not mean they are the best for you. I have had people I trusted outside of this game abuse my trust and hurt me. I do have a guard up, but this game has taught me to lower my guard a little bit. I was able to separate my personal feelings for the person from what needed to be done. Hamza and Erica knew too much about my game to let them make it to jury. Ryan figured it out so that's why I evicted Ryan right before jury.

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