Episode 10

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Previously on Big Brother:

We head inside and Erica and I go into the pantry room. In there, we celebrate.

"I am so happy for you Erica! You get to see Cheyenne! I cannot wait to see her!"

"Thanks Brett. Just know you are safe this week no matter what."

"Thanks Erica. Did you notice who was acting strangely when you won?"


"Veronica and Maddy!"

"Odd. I thought they liked me."

"I thought so too, which was odd. Who are you putting up?"

"Maddy and Ryan."

"That's good. Who is your target?"


"Back door. I like it. She is scary strong and is hurt that Jesse went home. It is a good move."

"You got my back this week?"

"Til the end Erica! Congrats again!"


I leave and go to bed. After the emotional night I have had, I need to sleep. Waking up the next morning, Erica tells me that the plan is the same and that if the veto is won, she is taking Maddy off and putting up Veronica. I love it.


Hey, as long as it is not me, I am fine with that. I am playing this game like Sandra. Let's see if Survivor strategy can translate over to Big Brother Canada.

As expected, Erica nominated Ryan and Maddy. I am happy and hope to watch the veto instead of playing in it. Let's hope everything falls into place and Veronica goes home.

Currently on Big Brother Canada:

Erica just nominated Maddy and Ryan and I am honestly relieved it is not me. My social game is strong enough to where people do not suspect that I was the flip vote. I hope nobody catches on. The only one I am weary of is Veronica and that is because she keeps giving me this weird look like she knows something I don't.

I see Maddy upset and pull her into the Have-Not room.

"Brett, what did I do wrong?"

"Someone thinks you were the fifth vote and I have a feeling you won't like who I say."




"Yeah. She came up to me and told me that she believes that it was Johnny, Ali, Will, Paras, and you who voted out Jesse."

"I mean she is not wrong, but why would Erica target me and not Paras?"

"Paras is not seen as a threat whereas people see you as one. I think Will and Paras had something to do with it."

"That sucks because Will, Paras, and I have a final 3 deal and I thought I trusted them."

"Me too. We need to have each other's backs in this game. Now more than ever. If I win that veto, I am pulling you down."

"Thank you so much. You are the only one in here who knows how much this means to me. How are you holding up now that Jesse is gone?"

"It's been hard, but I think he understands why I did it. I just hope he forgives me. Anyways, I will talk to Erica and see what I can do to get you off the block and Veronica on the block."

"Thanks. Talk to you later."

With that, I head upstairs to talk to Erica and Hamza.

H = Hamza, E = Erica, B = Brett

H: Hey Brett. Erica and I were just discussing the plan for this week.

B: I hope I get picked. Let's say one of us three win the POV, who are we going to take down?

E: Maddy. She is really upset that I put her up.

B: She was crying to me about how she does not like being on the block.

H: Plus, Maddy on the block against anyone could result in her going home.

B: I don't know if I want to play in this POV.

E: Why?

B: Gurl! I am tired! Can't someone else win a comp? I need a week to recuperate. I will gladly host the comp, but BB Gods, please let me not get picked.

Again, saved by the bell, we get called to pick players for the veto competition and I am not picked for the competition. At this point, I don't care that I am not picked. I get to relax for once and it is nice.

The comp begins and Erica, Olivia, and Maddy make it to the final part of the competition. As I am watching the three ladies compete in the comp, it makes me realize that I need to cut Erica when I get the chance. I love her like a sister, but she is too strong to take to the end.

She proves my point even more when she wins the veto. I am happy for her now, but I have to slowly plan her, and possibly Hamza's, demise. I cannot have them in the house.

I go into the Diary Room because I need to vent and talk to everyone in Canada.


I know this might look like I am playing a malicious game, but I came here to play Big Brother. This is a game based on deceit, winning comps, and making it to the end to win $100K. I am getting rid of all the people who will pose a threat to my game in the end. If I have my luck, I will be in final six with Will, Paras, Kaela, Derek, and Maddy. Kaela is the only real threat to my game.

I have made amazing friendships on here and I mean everything I say to these people, but I am not risking the money for people I just met and I know most of them would do exactly what I am doing. Being nice does not always make you remembered. Heroes get remembered but legends never die and I hope to become a legend this season. Part of playing a "big baller game" as Hamza and Andrew described is knowing when to cut your competition and when to utilize their strengths against them.

People watching this, I understand if you do not like Brett the game player and frankly I would not like him either. However, I am not the same person in this game as I am outside it. If there ever is a Canada vote, understand that I am trying to play a good game and provide you with even better tv. That's not easy to do.

I leave the diary room and get ready for the veto ceremony. Sure enough, Erica takes down Maddy and puts up Veronica. Veronica is pissed and I cannot wait to see how this plays out. I am going to tell Veronica my game, but not to her face. Thank God for goodbye messages!

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