Chapter 7: Ronshaku Loans

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*Another day at Akademi high. Frisk has to get Osana out of Debt.*

Chara: How are you going to get Najimi's daddy out of Debt?

Frisk: Simple. The company is called "Ronshaku loans" right?

Chara: Go on.

Frisk: Heard of Musume Ronshaku?

Chara: I see where you're going. But she's way too preppy and over the top. Plus she's a bitch. How are you going to gain her trust?

Frisk: Simple. To get Musume to like me, act like Musume.

Chara: Oh god no.

Frisk: I hate it as much as you do. But it's either do it and help Osana or try and look for them some other way. Do you really want to spend the entire night with me snooping around for where Musume's daddy is?

Chara:... this is gonna suck.

*Frisk sees Musume and walks up to her.*

Frisk: Like, OMG, Like, School is Just, Like, the worst! Every second I, Like, sit in those terrible seats, doing those boring tests, I think I might, like, break a nail!

Chara: You sound stupid.

Frisk: *Whisper* shut up.

*Musume silently judges Frisk for a few seconds until...*

Musume: OMG, I, Like, totally feel your pain. In fact, do you have a siggie for me? I, like, totally need a smoke.

Frisk: Like, Anything for you, girlfriend! Have, Like, the whole thing to just, like, take home!

*Frisk gives Musume the entire box of Cigarettes.*

Musume: Gawd, You are, Like, a total life saver! You are now, officially, like, my best BFF For life!



Frisk and Musume: YEEEEEEEE!

Chara: Kill me.

*After a school day of torture with Musume, Frisk manages to get Musume to tell Frisk where her dad's workplace is located. And they are outside the doors.*

Chara: Any idea on how you can take on a handful of thugs who are obviously older than you?

Frisk: I'm half skeleton, I can take them on.

Chara: *chuckle* Yea, but you're still a human teenage girl going up against adult men that probably smell like the worst bowl of ramen. Adults can still beat the pacifist out of you. You need me.

Frisk: So you're cashing in the 5 minutes.

Chara: No. not yet. I said I'm cashing it in whenever you feel like it. I still have the option of asking a few minutes. Your call... what do you say?

Frisk:... Fine.

* Frisk shakes Chara's ghost hands and Chara has full control over Frisk's body. Chara walks in the lair of the loan sharks.*

Chara: AY! Ronshaku! You're mama called! She said that you need to free a certain someone from debt. I'm thinking the Najimi's should just about do it!

Mr Ronshaku: Shove it up you're ass American rat! Boys treat her like we treat every other Rat in this country!

*A thug tries to grab Chara only to have his arm twisted like a knot.*

Chara: did you just call me a rat. *laughs* .

*Chara fights through the thugs not killing any of them with moves that Sans the Skeleton could only use and reaches to the big man who is now terrified of Chara.*

Chara: Now my good sir you have two options. Either, I gut you like a big fat fish.

*Chara points her knife at Mr. Ronshaku's neck.*

Chara: Or you can drop all charges off of Najimi's debt a-

Mr Ronshaku: A-Alright! I'll do it. All of Najimi's charges are dropped!

Chara: well... okay... I didn't finish however but whatever. What I was trying to say way you can drop all charges off of Najimi's debt and go off to prison with the rest of your retarded men.

*Just as Chara said that, the police rush in and arrest Mr Ronshaku and everyone in the lair except for Chara who walks out and sees that it is raining outside. Frisk get's her body back.*

Chara: That was fun!

Frisk: That was brutal!

Chara: But no one was dead!

Frisk: But you nearly had someone dead!

Chara: Yea, yea. Keep crying.

*Frisk decides to call Osana about her father's debt being wiped clean. But no response. She calls again, this time she hears Osana's phone ringing from a girl in a raincoat. It doesn't look like Osana so It must be someone who stole her Phone. Frisk walks up to the raincoat girl and calls "Osana" and just as she finds out that it for sure is Osana's phone that this person stole, the raincoat girl quickly turns around and attacks Frisk with a knife. Frisk blocks the attack and the two fought. Eventually, Frisk manages to find out who the masked girl was and it was the same girl she ran pass just yesterday.*

Frisk: The girl from yesterday?

*Frisk wasn't paying attention. The raincoat girl kicked up a shovel and whacked Frisk across the face with it. Still conscious, Frisk tries to get up only to be pinned down by the unknown girl.*

???: You're messing with things you don't understand, Dreemurr. Stay out of my way and maybe you'll live.

*The girl drops the shovel and walks away. Frisk blacks out and wakes up in her room with Sans and papyrus.*

Sans: Rise and shine, kid.

Papyrus: Are you alright human?

Frisk: wha... how long was I out?

Sans: about an hour or two. Whoever did that to you, looked like it hurt like hell.

Frisk: It did... what time is it?

Sans: 9 minutes before midnight...

Frisk: You sound depressed. What's wrong?

Sans: We... we have news... good and bad.

Frisk: what's the good?

Sans: well for one, you don't have a concushine.

Frisk: Go on.

Sans: Your powers are starting to kick in.

Frisk: what are you talking about?

Papyrus: your right eye.

*Sans pulled out a mirror that showed Frisk's right eye glowing.*

Frisk: Oh... I... think my hair would cover that nice and well.

Sans: And you are now queen of monsters.

Frisk: W-Why?

Sans: That's the bad news.

*Sans showed Frisk a video back at home. After the video Frisk began to cry and hug Sans. The video showed that their was a Plane crash that was scheduled to be at Jamaica, the country Asgore and Toriel was planning to go.*  

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