Chapter 18: Initiation

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*Frisk stands at the front of the stage with Sans behind her and Megami standing right next to him. Sitting in the seats are the Students of Akademi high and the monsters the Frisk either knew or have yet known about.*

Sans: Humans and Monsters alike, we are gathered here for two reasons. Our King and Queen have sadly passed on due to tragic events of a plane crash on a trip to Jamaica. They now both rest together in a graveyard where they lie peacefully in their coffin. A moment of silence in remembrance.


Sans: We have already mourned for the loss of our leaders, but we now must welcome our new queen. She has traveled down to the underground, used the power of truth, kindness, and most importantly, determination, to change our view of humans as a potential threat, a constant reminder of our failure and past, or just another human being, to something much more. Megami Saiko, if you please.

Megami: Thank you sans. Frisk R.L Dreemurr. Do you promise to rule over, and protect your people, both Humans and monsters, until the day you pass on?

Frisk: I do.

Megami: Currently, you have yet to find a suter to play king. Although you may still rule over as Queen of Monster kind, it is recommended that you must have a male companion to rule alongside you so you can have an offspring that will take your place when you pass on into the heavens above.

*As Magami said that, she looks at Senpai and Yandere Chan right behind him.*

Frisk: *Clears throat* Understood.

Megami: Back to you, Sans.

Sans: Frisk R.L Dreemurr, you are no longer the ambassador of monsters, you are now Queen of all monsterkind. 

*Everyone but Frisk cheers and rejoice for her transformation from ambassador to queen. Then the cheering stops.*

Sans: Any final words before we get out of here?

Frisk:... I just want to say thank you to those who help make this all happen. Thank you to the Student Counselor, the headmaster, Sans and megami. And of course all of you for coming here... I want to let all of my people know that I was only adopted by the Dreemurrs. I wasn't born into it nor do I have any true relation with the Dreemurrs other than the adoption. So all I ask of you is to treat me like the normal human being I am. Other than that, I am still your queen, I will find a king soon, and I vow to continue protecting any and every human and monster that is in need.

*Everyone cheered and everyone went outside to have a party for queen frisk.*

Megami: So this is what you brought out of the underground?

Frisk: Every last one.

Megami: why were they thrown down there?

Frisk: Some said that it was originally out of greed and people at the times made it so that monsters were the real enemy. Others said it was out of fear of what Monsters are capable of. We never really know...

Megami: so either way... it was mostly the humans fault for what happens to the monsters.

Frisk: ehh... basically.

Megami: So... do you have any plans on who's gonna be the king of monsters.

Frisk: well... their was this... boy...

Megami: was it the boy from yesterday?


Megami: Luckily for you, I'm not that into him. But I know a few girls who are.

Frisk: I know too.

Megami: Stay safe Dreemurr. Your life's on the line. Just like ours.

Hanako: Dreemurr-Chan! I got you a present!

*Hanako gives Frisk a present.*

Frisk: Aww. thank you!

*Frisk opens up the box to see a tiny brown bear. Suddenly Frisk gets a flashback.*


*Younger Frisk is holding a tiny brown bear and twirls around with it. Then a female figure picks her up.*

???: Look at our little Reno.

???: Still as cheerful as ever.

???: One day you're gonna grow up to finally see the world.

???: Hopefully it's soon.


*Frisk's flashback ends. Her world was spinning as she was reminded of her past.*

Amai: Frisk... are you okay...?

Kizana: I told you Midori's punch is just red wine!

Frisk: sorry. I... I have to go.

*Frisk runs off.*

Chara: what's the problem? Senpai stood you up? Someone hit you? I swear if it's some jackass that stepped on your foot I'd say "Off with his head" and his head will be served on a silver pl-

Frisk: It's my family!

Chara: what?

Frisk: I remember them!

Chara: oh my god!

Frisk: I'm going home to find out where this bear is from, then go from their. Eventually, I'll find my real pa-

*Frisk then bumps into a stranger.*

Frisk: Ah... Sorry about that Ma'am.

???: No no. don't worry. It happened once when I met my husband. I can handle another.

*Frisk looks at the stranger and can't help but get another flashback.*


*Frisk sees the same stranger holding Frisk and looking at a letter.*

???: guess what. You, young lady, can now call us mommy and daddy!

??? *laugh* come here you little ray of sunshine!


*Flashback ends.*

Frisk: Do I know you.

???: W-Well you do look a bit familiar.

Frisk: Do you recognise the name "Frisk" at all?

???: Yes...? What is this about exactly?

Frisk: Come with me for a second.

*Frisk picks up the stranger and runs off with her.*

???: oop! I-I still have a child to pick up from school!

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