Chapter 5: The First Quest

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Austin and Bandit push open the door to the Guild Hall and start searching for the Scarlet red hair of Erza or the Salmon pink hair of Natsu since they have the most noticeable of all four of their hair colors. As Austin starts searching he motions his dog to go skyward in order to get an aerial view.

"Over at the bar Austin!" Bandit yells down to his partner

"Got it Thanks so much Bandit. Come on down here." Austin shouts back

Bandit lands on Austin's shoulder, and they walk over to the bar where the four of the teammates sat while all having drink. Erza also had a slice of strawberry cake. One of her favorite foods to eat. As they approach Erza swivels around on her feet in an instant.

"So your finally back. It took you long enough." She said with a snicker

"Well I had to get us both cleaned up and everything so that's why it took a bit. Sorry about that Erza, so what's this first quest about? Personally I'm excited to go on a quest with my new friends."

Lucy stands up to head over to Mira to ask for the request sheet, and she hands Lucy the paper. With a quick smile and a thanks, she comes back over and hands Austin the paper.

Lucy: "Someone has mentioned that there is a strange boy walking around the woods near Magnolia. He's been causing illusions to form and engulf people into nightmares which in turn sends the people off in a state of craziness."

Austin: "Wow that is very detailed... so do we know this guys name? Also does he belong to a guild?"

Lucy: "From what we have we don't know anything else. No name or guild has been mentioned by him or the people who have been close enough to him. Only a select few people have ever gotten close to him."

"Great we have a crazed lunatic out in the woods terrorizing almost everyone who gets near him, and we have no intel if he is in a guild or not." Replied Austin

Lucy and the others begin conversing amongst themselves as Austin slips into his own mind remembering one of his closest friends from where he came from. He moved away this past year, and hasn't been able to have contact with him since he left. Shrugging off what his thoughts were, he also recalled how crazy his friend was.

"Hey Austin, you ok dude? Your looking a bit pale there." Gray spoke up

"Y-yeah I'm fine just a lot on my mind is all." Replying as calmly as he can

"Alright then, everyone it's time we head out and meet this person, and see what we are dealing with." Erza steps forward in her leader position as she normally does.

They all step out into the bright and sunny high noon of Saturday. They begin to walk towards the woods while talking about what to do when they meet the crazed lunatic.

"So I was thinking we should lead with Austin, and give him a beginning start as we circle and enclose the space between them. Then if things get out of hand we hit him with all we have." Natsu spoke as everyone listened.

"Not a bad plan Natsu, what do you think Austin, are you up for taking the lead in this?" Erza spoke as she was a bit flabbergasted by how brilliant Natsu just sounded.

"Erm... I-I- I'm fine with l-leading just please watch my b-back if it gets bad..." Austin said nervously while shaking his entire body.

"Great it is settled, and just in the nick of time too." Lucy mentions as they are at the entrance of the forest.

The five of them head in, and start searching everywhere for the spot that people keep saying he appears at. Searching for over an hour, everyone begins to get worn out, so they decide to stop and take a break.

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