Chapter One: The Curse

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Third Person P.O.V

''Oh Baby's! I love baby's!'' Thistletwit said. Knotgrass rolled her eyes in annoyance. ''Just concentrate please. I'm not telling you that again.'' Knotgrass said. The three fairys flew to the throne were King Stefan and his wife sat on. The king held his hand up and the fairys stopped flying. ''Greetings, Your Majesty.'' Knotgrass said. ''I am Knotgrass of the Moorland Fairfolk.'' She said. ''And I am Twittle, Your Kingship.'' ''And I am Thistletwit, your Highness.'' They said. The Queen looked to her husband, who was slightly confused of the fairys. ''They bring gifts for our daughter.'' The Queen said. ''It is not just gifts, you see, were magic!'' Twittle said, while spreading her arms. ''And we're very good with children.'' Added Knotgrass. The king sighed. ''Very well.'' He said. The three fairys flew to the child's cradle. Knotgrass flew above the baby. ''Sweet Aurora, I wish for you, the gift of beauty.'' She said, and tiny red petals appeared, before turning into red, glittering dust. Now it was Twittle's turn to bring the baby a gift. ''My wish, is that you'll never be blue, only happy, all the days of your life.'' She said, and tiny blue butterfly's appeared. They turned into dust to. The Queen smiled, while the King was looking in annoyance. Thistletwit appeared above the cradle. ''Sweet baby.'' She began. ''My wish will be-.'' She was cut up by a huge bang, and allot of wind, coming from the gate. The huge candlesticks, hanging on the ceiling, flew from left to right, and the light was dimmed. People started screaming and yelling for help. The King stood op from his throne, to see what was going on. And to his horror, there was the one, he'd never expected to come. Her footsteps sounded heavy on the stone floor. Mothers held their children tight, and the rest of the people backed away, when she made her way through the crowd. She was followed by a black raven. ''Maleficent!'' Whispered/said Knotgrass to Twittle and Thistletwit. She appeared in the front of all the people, and tapped her staff loud on the ground. The king looked in horror to Maleficent.

''Well Well.'' She began, and she took a step foreword. Maleficent walked up the steps, and appeared in front of the King and Queen. ''What a glittering assemblage King Stefan.'' She began. ''Royalty, Nobility,'' She said, petting her pitch black raven. Maleficent chuckled. ''How great, even the rabble.'' She said, looking to the three fairy's. Maleficent looked back to the King. ''I must say, I really felt quit distressed of not receiving an invitation.'' She said with a sad look on her face. ''You're not welcome here.'' The King said. He was afraid, afraid what Maleficent would do. Afraid that the truth was going to be told, to his folk. Maleficent looked down, and acted like she was hurt. But soon, she lifted her head up and laughed. ''Oh dear, what an awkward situation.'' She said, looking to the crowd. ''Are you not offended?'' The Queen spoke quick. Maleficent turned her head back to her. ''Why no.'' She said straight. The Queen looked to her husband, who showed nothing at all in her eyes. ''And to show I bare no ill will, I to shall bestow a gift on the child.'' Maleficent said. King Stefan immediately stood up from his throne, as well as the Queen. ''No! We don't want your gift!'' He spat at Maleficent. Maleficent ignored him and walked to Aurora's cradle. ''Stay away from the princess!'' Knotgrass said. ''Yes stay away!'' Thistletwit addded. With one movement of her hands, Maleficent trew the three fairy's in a box, and the lid fell shut. The crowd gasped. Maleficent looked to the baby again. She hummed, thinking what she would do. She raised her right hand and held it above the cradle. She moved her hand slightly in circles. ''Listen well all of you.'' Maleficent began. ''The princess shal indeed, grow in grace and beauty. Loved by all who meet her'' Maleficent said, as green smoke like, came out of her hands. ''That's a lovely gift.'' The Queen said, trying to stop Maleficent. Maleficent looked to the King, who shook his head slight from side to side. ''Don't do this.'' He whispered. Maleficent held her index-finger for her lips. She looked over her shoulder and saw a spinning wheel, standing in the light of the sun, causing the needle to shine. And that was when her idea popped in her head. ''But.'' She began, and she walked away from Aurora. She spread her arms, and green smoke came from all over her body. ''Before the sun sets on her sixteen birthday, she will prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel, and fall into a sleep like death. A sleep wich she will never awaken!'' She spoke. The King

looked horrofied. trying to refearse the curse, the King said; ''Maleficent, please don't do this, I'm begging you.'' Maleficent smiled to the King. ''I like to hear you beg. Do it again.'' She said. The King looked to his folk, ashamed for what he'll do next. He slowly sat on his knees. ''Please.'' He begged. ''Alright.'' Maleficent said with a grin. ''The princess can be woken from her death sleep. But only by,'' Maleficent looked with hate to the king. ''A true loves kiss.'' She said with clenched theeth. She turned to the folks. ''This curse will last 'till the end of times. No power on earth can change it!'' She said, and that was when she disapeared. Leaving the King, Queen and the fairy's speechless.

Soo my first chapter done. This is more like an intro. In the next chapter, there will be more Diaval and Freya. But I take it slow, because somethimes I go really fast through story's. Vote/Comment/Like/Share. Makes me happy :)

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