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I spring up from under my quilt pyjamas soaked in perspiration.My pounding pulse slows gradually as the realization dawns on me.It was just a dream.That was all it was.'I am quick to assurre myself'.I stretch sideways to retrieve my rim-less glasses from beneath the bed side lamp.My hand freezes mid- air,my eyes widen as a puzzled and disturbed look shrowds my complexion.

I abort my attempt to reach for my glasses and i slowly bring my palms under my gaze.It can't be.My mind is locked  in an endless spin,seeking any explanation that can rationalize this.Just as it was in my dream,ground debris is plastered on my palms.I relapse into a pounding pulse, suddenly oblivious of all things around me.Except for my palms.

'How did objects from the realm of my dreams work their way into  the reality?My reality?

I shriek from the excruciating pain that shoots from my back.A deep and continous searing of flesh unlike anything i have ever felt.

I stumble from my bed,dropping painfully onto the floorboards beneath.Amid the searing and painful torture on my back i tear off my pyjamas ignoring the conventional clothe removal techniques.The searing ceases abruptly but the pain remains,so does the ghost of the sears.

I stand naked before the pyjamas that pool at my feet with streaks of blood.My blood.

Standing infront of my wardrobe mirror i turn 180 degrees my gaze falling  onto my now deformed back.The aftermath of the mysterious sears.My whole body trembles succumbing to the fabled paralysis from acute fear.Only this time,its the fear of the unknown.

General weakness wraps itself around my body.My legs fail under my weight and i am unconcious before i hit the ground.

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