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My eyes open slowly when i regain consciousness to meet his.The deep black glow of his eyes are lined with pity and concern, peering down at me as if...

The memories of the occurrences of the recent past flood mind, indefinitive at first but later on the haze lifts to leave them as they were.I take in my surroundings devouring every inch of it.I flinch when it becomes clear that i am in his apartment and not mine.Everything exists in  harmonious order. Colours blend in to each other such that nothing seems out of place, a characteristic i can never seem to get myself to pull off in my own apartment.

The sharp contrast between his living space and mine is striking.As opposed to his,mine is plagued by chaotic disorderliness owing to my zero sense of arrangement.Kind of ironic for a girl if you think of it.But what can i say, i don't conform to the conventional ways of the contemporary society.

'Hey.' my body resonates to the sound of his voice.

'Hey.' i mimmick his words when i fail to come up with my own.

I am lying on what seems to be his bed and he is perched on the edge of it gazing down at me.I was always strongly against scrutiny , still im and that may be the probable reason why i tore from his gaze.That, plus the fact that my body convulsed as new feelings i wasn't accustomed to were evoked from deep within.I am clothed, contrary to my recollection of being naked before i fell unconcious.A pang of humiliation flares from within.I am quick to dismiss it from my already congested line of thought.What happened happened and there is nothing i can do to change that.

"What happened?" I can't seem to find a plausible answer for his probing question.

"I don't know." I say simply in a non-chalant voice.

"I have something to show you." His hand finds its way onto mine and he guides me onto my feet and a few paces ahead.

I readily submit to his control suddenly concious of his touch and the effect it has on my skin,on my entire body.

A minute later i am staring at his gigantic closet mirror.More specifically at the pale image of my previously seared back.My unprecedented encounter with him had momentarily caused me to forget about the irrational events that had occurred.

As the foggy haze as to what really happened lifts the true nature of the sears unfolds.

At first they seemed and felt like random cuts, but i gradually become enlightened staring at the tattoo christened on my back.

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