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jason dean was the kind of guy your parents would want you to avoid. you knew this from the moment you met him.

yet, there was something so entrancing about him that kept you coming back to him, despite veronica sawyer's attempts to keep you away. you had figured out at some point that she knew something about jd that you didn't. he hadn't mentioned her yet to you since she confronted him earlier. granted, you hadn't seen much since monday evening; it was now friday night. you had heather mcnamara on the phone as you sat in your dad's home office, twirling the cord between your fingers. "you're taking an art class, aren't you? you got any gossip on homecoming decorations?" heather said through the phone.

"i wish. they only let juniors and seniors help with it, but i'm sure you could find out on your own," your eyes wandered around the room as heather continued to ramble about useless gossip and heather duke's new potential boyfriend. at some point she mentioned that heather chandler hadn't been the biggest fan of them being in relationships, and that veronica would have been dead if heather wasn't already by the time she got a boyfriend. "who was she dating?" you questioned. veronica hadn't mentioned an ex-boyfriend to you yet.

"oh, she didn't tell you? i thought she would have back on monday when you were arguing outside the school."

"what do you mean by that, heather?" you took your legs down from where you had them propped up on the desk.

"alright, if veronica gets all pissed off, it's your fault. but he probably would have told you at some point anyway."

"i think i can handle it."

"back in april or something, her and that jd guy used to date. never knew why, though... he somehow managed to impress her by pretending to shoot two of the football players."

"no way! is that why she was upset when she saw me with him?" you let the phone cord fall from your grasp.

"probably, but it's veronica..." you zoned out and stopped listening closely to what she said. no wonder jd didn't want to talk to her on monday, something bad probably happened between them. you wouldn't pry either of them about their relationship; you weren't close enough to jd yet (even though you had made out at least 3 times) and veronica was still pissed off at you from earlier in the week. if he wanted to tell you, then he would...

"heather? i'm going to have to go now, i just remembered i forgot to do my.. english homework."

you hung up quickly and ran over to the window to look out to the side of your house. "how the hell did you do that?" you mumbled to yourself while unlocking the window and sliding it up.

"hey, baby," jd stared at you and you stared right back, "dreadful etiquette, i know."

"oh, you are such an idiot."

he chuckled and pulled himself in to the room. "thought i'd come by...see what you were up to..."

"that's funny because mcnamara and i were just talking about you," he sat down in the desk chair and made it spin around a few times.

"oh really? let me guess, about veronica?"


he brushed a hand through his hair, letting it fall in front of his face. "are you concerned about us? because of her?" you walked closer and he placed his left hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"no. should i be?" you moved to stand between his legs and his other hand met the other already on your waist. you were taller for once (only because jd was sitting down.) his eyes looked you up and down, and you tried your best not to shy away from him. jd's hands—still wrapped around you—pulled you closer so he could kiss you. you were the one who had to lean down to meet his lips. your hands rested on his shoulders. "you are so lucky my parents are old people and go to sleep at like 7," he chuckled at this.

"did that answer your question?"

"mhm," you kissed him again, "i believe so. did you get a slushee? i can taste it."

he raised his eyebrows at you. "you want to taste some more of it?"

you rolled your eyes and pulled on the collar of his shirt to bring him closer, "just kiss me, jerk," you laughed before he brought your lips together again.

"here's a question for you," you asked him later as the two of you now sat outside on your porch, your legs dangling over the edge. jd held a cigarette between his lips, glancing over at you. "how terrible was heather chandler?"

"the worst. seven states and seven high schools and none of them had anyone as bad as her."

"did she deserve it?" you stared at him.

"in my opinion, yeah. that's why she's gone."


you started counting in your head, "what do you mean by that?"

he took his cigar in between his hands, "what do you think of a little bit of chaos?"


"seeing as i just made out with the living form of chaos, i'd say it's pretty great."

"you want to live in the most chaotic version of westerburg?"


he grabbed your hand as you nodded, pulling the two of you to his motorcycle.

"talking to him just ends up with someone dead."

it was as if veronica was directly in your ear.

-note; I HIT MAD WRITERS BLOCK WITH THIS i apologize for how long it took. i also apologize for wattpad's inability to WORK CORRECTLY

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