Long distance friend

118 27 10

"A miles and miles apart
  Even years seems to passed...
  Yet I discovered a new
  Fresh childhood friendship...
  One day either in one
  Or in other way....
  We may come across...
  Our paths will differ..
  Yet our friendship seems
  To be more stronger...
  Secrets are revealed !!
  Trust on each other ..
  Can be unbreakable !
  Insecurities can be vanished..
  A new hope can be raised...
  Neither sadness nor happiness
  Can be destroyed...yet still
  We travel our friendship
  With the path of joy and sorrow
  Distance cannot separate us
  Phone calls are not needed...
  Just give me a shoulder ...
  When I cry for a silly reasons...
  Be with me in my success and
  In my failures , misfortunes and joy
  As my best friend.....!!!!!!!!!

"Here I am with my another poem...i wrote this for my childhood bestie...who is always a best  part of my life..."

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