broken heart - 4

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"A lonely night for a while ,
Where the darkness of the
Soul is seen with an arching
Pain , its  neither due to
Heartbreak nor due to sickness ,
But its the distance that bothers,
The feel of longing in present ,
Not because of broken trust ,
Its because of beautiful memories,
its neither deniable nor sorrowful ,
Even though it is unbreakable ,
Still it cause unbearable ache
Of longing in my heart and soul,
Once past seems to buried,
Present seems to be peaceful,
But now past seems to be a
Beautiful rare fairy tail ,
Present seems to be disturbed ,
Even chipping of birds seems
To hear like howling of wolf
Which seems to be lonely ,
My heart seems to realise ..
That it misses a beautiful
Relationship called 'friendship',
The comfort which you gave
Me whenever I cry , you made
Me  feel  safe and secure in
every way, you showed me the
Heavenly World of  fairytale...
Even tears of joy for my success ,
Efforts you make me to laugh ,
I still counting for upcoming days
Where I cherish those moments
With you again but will you come
For me from the place where I
Can't take you with me ?!!!!
With a heavy tears of sorrow ,
I left from your grave ........

"Hello cupcakes ,So here we come , another poem . do you guys like it ?

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