Life ?

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"Life is not full of roses ,
Yet with bushes and thorns ,
Problems are neither solved ,
Nor it has been ended ...
The failures are neither
Coward nor useless....
If success is sweeter then
Failure is less bitter...
Hardwork is not an ease ,
Life is a wonder when ,
You try even the last
Chances with your best
None can ruffle up your
Spirits but yourself....
Darkness can be drained
Away by a lit of matchstick
Just like struggles are drained
Away by our hard works ...
Try to be yourself but not
Someone else .... Because
You are unique in your
Own way , in your own reasons ,
Hardworking and patience
Only can show the correct
Way to the success of life ...."

" dear cupcakes ,
                                   I wrote this poem in one of my struggling time where I find there is no other way to succeed my goals other than hardworking...."

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