00 | prologue

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BEING A FEMALE was a challenge.

Sometimes the challenge was a slow car passing by while she walked alone at night. Sometimes it was a bowl of salad when all she wanted was a slice of pizza. Other times it was that extra cash spent on beauty products or the obscene amount of dollars wasted in tampons. Sometimes it came in form of a guy trying to mansplain an easy concept or maybe in a dress she didn't buy because it was "too short". Occasionally, the challenge would be disguised as something as small as the decision not to wear shorts and red lipstick or maybe in trying some crazy diet plan after Thanksgiving and avoiding a bikini because of stretch marks. Ever so often, however, it could also be as big a sexual assault gone unreported or the induced loss of memory after a night of abuse.

No matter how or where or why, being a woman in a world ruled by men was a constant challenge. It was the challenge of being scrutinized twenty four seven, the challenge of fighting for a place in the world, of having to constantly prove her worth, of working two times as hard to get half the reward — or oftentimes, no reward at all.

Rory, like every other girl, was familiar with these challenges and had a never-ending list of them.

Some challenges she could remember from when she was younger, like when her aunt Allegra prohibited her of playing videogames because it wasn't "for girls"; or that one time she had been advised to drop an AP Calculus class in front of a guy who was arguing his way into a D when her grade had been a B-; or the many times she had been chastised for hooking up with random guys while her brother was praised for sleeping with different girls.

Some of the challenges happened so often that they were hard to pinpoint, like listening to period jokes whenever she wasn't all smiles or being catcalled while walking down a street.

There were also the small challenges that sometimes went unnoticed and were considered normalcy, like keeping an eye on her drink at a party, or feeling insecure when going to the bathroom alone; they were also in every side-glance she got when she spoke her mind or every time she was overly apologetic just for the sake of not sounding rude.

Sometimes the challenge was targeted at something as specific as her passion for football, like when people looked at her strangely when they saw she understood a sport and then suggested she probably only liked it because she "wanted to impress guys" and that she should "stick to girl stuff"; or every time someone said something condescending when she talked about wanting to work in the football industry.

Being a female was a challenge.
Being a female that wanted to find her way into a male dominated industry felt almost impossible.

Unfortunately for all the haters, and under the risk of sounding cheesy, Rory didn't believe in the impossible – like Audrey Hepburn had once said "The word itself says I'm possible" – and she would be damned if she didn't fight against the odds to get where she wanted.

Rory Scavo was possible.

Rory Scavo was willing to go far to have things her way.

Come hell or high water, Rory Scavo would fight for her dreams.

author's note: so, I'm editing the story because I didn't like the way things were going

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author's note: so, I'm editing the story because I didn't like the way things were going. Some chapters will be completely changed and others will stay the same . This prologue is new but the old one will be included in the next chapter.
bear with me people, and if you have any comments or critics, please hit me up.

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