The Distance that Binds

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It's almost 9:30 am when his mom called to his PA to find out if they reached safely or not.
Sriram (his PA) answered the call "yes Amma, we'll be there in 15 mins"
(As he is working for Uppalapati family for more than a decade, he calls her Amma)
She sighed a relief and got back to her work in the kitchen.

Prabhas' house is full of people.. some of his relatives like KRG family, his sister's (pragathi) family, bro's family his few friends and his people around.

Everyone are waiting for his arrival from Dubai
As the whole shoot of Saaho is wrapped up
After 4 months he came back...
Even though he should come in between it didn't happen because of some reasons and he had to stay there till everything is done.

His mom missed him a lot and made all the items he loves to eat n decorations are being made for the whole house.

Everyone are excited and a festive environment surrounded over his house.

The main reason for this excitement is that he is gonna become a bridegroom in this month itself 😍

Everyone are talking roaming around n suddenly his black Rolls Royce enters the gate.

Everyone's face got lighten up with big smiles
He came out with his black goggles, black t-shirt with v neck and full sleeves which were pulled till his elbow.

He looked super handsome as always with a glow on is face 😎
This time it's a special glow (Ofcourse we know why😉)

His mom came out with Arthi And his aunt brought a green pumpkin with a 🔥 on it and made rounds in front of his face from up and down n broke it throwing down.

Pubsu with Pramod , Vamsi, Vicky , sujeeth and all those who came with him went inside the house.

Everyone greeted them mainly him
He smiled n wished them back 😊

After few minutes he went to his room to fresh up.


Meanwhile at sweetu's place.......

She is upset😔 sat on her couch n watching the news
Showing 'prabhas has returned from Dubai with his team n bla bla'

All these months only she and god knows how much she missed him😑
She even cried sometimes😩

Even though she is a strong girl she can't control her emotions when it comes to him....

It's not because he was not there...
Many times they were far away from each other for months but this time its different...

She talked with him on phone a few times n Skyped twice or thrice but she never let him know that she is badly missing him...

She never wanted to disturb him..

But he knows that by looking at her eyes..
It's not easy for him to see her going through those mixed feelings...

He was helpless..
He only wished to finish the shoot and come back as soon as possible.

He had many responsibilities on his shoulders...
One among them is Sweety👸

Yes, he promised her parents last year on THE ENGAGEMENT DAY that he will take the best care of her and never let her loose her smile 😌

He seriously worked very hard for this movie.. physically and mentally..

There are times when some exciting things happened and he immediately wanted to call her n tell everything about it..
But he stopped..

He realised that he can't always call her during the shoot 😣
With this feeling he used to get upset for few minutes 😓
But never expressed himself in front of the people.

Finally by God's grace everything was done as planned even though it took good amount of time.

He is back to his hometown... To his family... To his Better half💕
It was very difficult for her all these months even though she tried her best to be normal...

Today evening her parents are gonna come to Hyderabad..
She is not at all excited about it😔
Because today she is missing him even more as he has already arrived but she couldn't meet him😩

A lonely tear escaped from her eye.

She switched off the TV n took her phone
Checked the calls but didn't find his name😑
She tried to divert her mind..
Opened Instagram and passing time by watching random videos.


At pusbu's place........

He came down quickly with a dark blue t-shirt and blue torn jeans..
Hurried towards the main door..

His mom and aunt confused a little and asked him about where he is running off..

Pramod n Vicky smiled at each other😄

He answered "I'll be back in a while please don't mind"...

Pragathi knows what is happening and she smiled at her little brother ☺️

"Atleast have your breakfast and go nanna" his aunt said..

His mom was about to say something.. he stopped them by saying "please maa... I'll be here by the time u guys finish making my favourite biryani 😍😋" and stepped out taking the car keys.

His aunt gave an expression 🙄.

"What serious work he have now to run off even without eating anything"
Pramod answered pubsu's mom "he have a small work in the Office, he'll be back in sometime don't worry pedhamma"
(Pedhamma means aunt who is elder to mom)

Shyamala Garu understood...gave a smile and they went back to their works.


After few minutes at Sweetu's place.....

She was busy in watching some painting video but with the same sad mood...
Trying her best to divert her mind but not able to do.

Suddenly a warm breathe which came from behind touched her right cheek...
She turned back..
It's him😊

He hugged her holding from behind.. bent down and kissed her head..
She got up, pulled him front and hugged him sooo tightly...
She became silent, didn't utter a word.

Pabsu felt his shirt becoming wet
He pulled her back n cupped her face with his palms
"Baby now I'm all yours... I'm not going anywhere from now.. I'm not leaving u alone again... I promise 💕"

She looked into his eyes n kissed him 😚😚😚😚😚
They both had a looong smooch...
After a couple of minutes she remembers that the maid is still in the house n they are in the living room..

She jerks back
He eyes her "what happened"😕
She holds his hand n pulls him to her room..

N he locks it.


To be continued....

Hi friends... I'm so scared of writing something on wattpad..but somehow managed my first story.. this is because of my darlings MythriShetty and MouluvsPrabhas
They are my biggest strength, without them I wouldn't have written this fanfiction.
They pushed me to here by literally threatening me 😣😥

Do give your feedback.

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