Part - 2

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[ Prm- Pramod
  Pr- Prabhod
  P- Prabhas ]

After talking to her mom she felt something is fishy.. even though her mom tried to act normal and kinda convinced sweety with her answers, sweety felt something different.

As she was not yet sleepy and she knows her man also would be awake, she pinged him in WhatsApp📱.

S- "😊"

P- "Hey, u have shoot tomorrow.. why are u still awake"

S- "The sky is awake... So I'm awake 😇"

P- "😄😄
     Had dinner?"

S- "Long back... And you?"

P- "Just had"

S- "🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄"

P- "Don't keep faces.
     We had to shoot continuously till 12"

S- "And booze till 1🤨"

P- "😆😆😆
      No, today we didn't
      I was so hungry
      We had dinner as soon as we reached the hotel"

S- "Great... What are your plans for tomorrow?"

P- "Mmmmm
      Some comedy scenes with Bramhi sir, later I donno"

S- "Niceeeee..... What are Narendra Anna and Pramod doing?"

P- "Pramod already slept and started dreaming
      Bava is talking with someone in the other room.
      Baby are you not sleepy?"

S- "Nooooo😎😎😎"

P- "You have to wake up early morning ma
       If u won't sleep now ul feel drowsy tomorrow"

S- "I don't have to wake up early.... My schedule was over 💃💃"

P- "Oh is it, they completed fast ha?"

S- "Yes, today whole day we did only my scenes and we finished."

P- "Good good
      So when are u returning?"

S- "Mmmm may be Saturday... Friday I have to meet someone 😊"

P- "Ahaa.. who?"

S- "Jyothika, they invited me for dinner... So tomorrow I'll go shopping and buy gifts for the kids..."

P- "Wish them on behalf of me😊"

S- "I will... Yesterday Suriya was asking about you... He likes you it seems 😉"

P- "Who doesn't like me😜"

S- "😂😂 Actually Karthi came to visit us.. we were talking something and he started teasing me... He is one naughty man😄"

P- "Haha he is
      And also cool, Suriya too
      What did he say?"

And the chat continued till they both were sleepy.


Prabhas has returned from Bangkok after few days...

His mom made all his favourite heavy non-veg items for lunch and she seemed more happy and smiling all the time.

He noticed that.

P - "what's the matter amma... Why are you blushing"
He asked in a teasing way.

PM- "you came back na, that's y"

P- "ahaa... Missed me ha?" He teased again

His Sis in law was watching them and laughing slowly.

Prabhas ♥️ Anushka - ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now