Worst Nightmare

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Hell On Earth:

The Sequel To The Unexpected

Worst  Nightmare

Chapter One  [40]

April's POV

We arrived in Cali the next day. I'm so excited for this family trip. I got off the plane and helped daddy load the car with our bags. Once we where finished I got in the passenger seat while Momma sat in the back with Aj & Autumn talking about god knowa what. I pulled out my iphone 5s and went on twitter.

@AprilAlsina: Cali for a family trip Yay! #AlsinaFamilyTime

Dad started driving the car. I put
on my beat headphones and listned to my August Alsina playlist (Daddy's music). I'm a big fan of my dad's music. I think im the only one in this family that can listen to all his music without getting annoyed with it other than himself.

I was listing to Nobody Knows when I started thinking about  the devil himself  "Kingston". It's like from time to time i find myself thinking or dreaming about him.

" You think you and your family has seen the last of Kingston Jaquan Walker. News Flash April Anna Alsina you haven't. I'm always where ever you are and btw the pussy was good wish I could have got another piece of you before ya cousin killed me."

Me: *yells* Leave Me The Hell Alone Kingston!

Dad:*Shakes her* April sweetie wake up it's just a bad dream.

I opened my eyes so fast i tought i seen my uncle melvin. I didn't say a word to anyone. I just looked out the window as we drove to the hotel. That dream felt so real. Why am I still scared of  Kingston and he's dead. We pulled up to the hotel.

I grabbed my bags and walked inside. I got my room key and waited for Aj  since he is my roomate. I feel like ever since I told Aj it was all his fought I got raped that we have been really distant.

Aj:  April let's head to our room .

We got on the elevator and waited for the elevator to reach the seventh floor. Once it reached the seventh floor I got out and walked to our room. I pulled the room ke out my jeans pocket and opened the door.

I looked at the room.number and it read Hotel suite 78. I walked inside the room dropping my bags on the bed. Aj did the same thing and said he would be back be just wants to tour the hotel.

I un-packed my bags and went to.look for the weight room. I put my beat headphones back on and listened to Right There by my Daddy of course. I turned the corner and bumped into someone making me fall on my ass. The person helped me up as I fixed my shirt.

Some how my shirt had lifted up showing my tiny baby bump. I looked up to thank the person for helping me up. The person turned there head my way. I looked at them and stopped dead in my tracks.

Lord I hope eyes are playing tricks on me cause this guy looks just like Kingston.

Me:  Stay the fuck away from me.  I yelled

???: Miss calm down.

Me: What's your name? I asked in a shakey tone

???: Lingston Laquan Walker Jackson, why?

Me: You look like someone i kne-Know.

Lingston: What's his name?

Me: Kingston Jaquan Walker


Me:*mumbles* Knew he's dead now, But how do you know him?

Lingston: Knew? , but anyways we are twin brothers but when we where 7 we got token away from each other.

Me: Yeah Knew he is dead now. i said in a non chalant tone

I seen Lingston body tense up and his skin color change. I ran back to my room shutting the door and locking it. I cant believe Kingston has a twin brother. My worsy Nightmare has come to life. Lingston is brobably now out get who ever  killed his Kingston. Thank god that he doesnt know my family is behind Kingston death.

I layed in bed with my eyes closed hoping & praying this was just another nightmare . Instead I'm living in my worst nighmare possible.

• That's it for the first chapter

• I told yall i was gonna work on it.once I got Home.

• Each chapter will have a name unlike book one where i gave certain chapters names.

• Kingston has a twin brother ?

• April's dream thou

• April is August #1 Fan

• Poor April.

• Rest In Paradise M.J

• Listened to thr triller album while writing this.

• What y'all think?

• Dont say it's to early in the book for drama cause its never to early for that love

•Next chapter will be up tomorrow im start writing it at 9.

• ItsSparkleBish_ Out

Guess who going to see august on.tour?

I am and im ordering the bundle package which comes with a singed Album, t-shirt , poster and 2,tickets Cant wait

9/10 is when i see him buy ill probably see him we he's in NYC

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