Chapter 1 - Do It Different

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11am, Saturday

I was still in my pjs having breakfast by the dinner table, scrolling through twitter and listening to my morning playlist.
An email notification popped up, it was from my manager Susie, it read;

Good morning (y/n),
I have arranged you a photoshoot for a sportive apparel line made by Logan Paul.
Be at (location address) by 2pm today.
I have informed them you'll be coming.
Best regards,

I immediately got excited and quickly answered I would be there. I have never heard of this name before, "Logan Paul", so obviously I got curious. I opened up google and typed in his name. My oh my was he handsome. I could feel excitement building up in my stomach. I got up, took a shower and got ready.


I took a cab to the said location, hoping it would be some sort of studio, but i was wrong. I looked around as the car drove up this amazing neighborhood with lovely houses. I wish I could live here.

Upon arrival, I walked up to the gate and stood there was a (slightly intimidating) security guard.
- "Hello, may i help you?"
- "Hi, um I'm supposed to have a photoshoot here today, for Logan Paul."
He nodded and rang the bell, a manly voice answered. The guard informed him I had arrived and allowed me to enter, so I did.

I looked around and was immediately surprised by the amount of cars, and bus, who the /hell/ has a bus?, parked on the driveway. I walked up to the door and knocked, a tall blonde guy opened it.
- "Well hello there." He smiled
I smiled a little too widely.
- "Hi, I'm (y/n)."
- "Logan. Come on in." He stepped aside and stretched out his extremely muscular arm, motioning for me to come in.
I walked inside and looked around, it was a pretty big house, little did I know it also had a huge backyard with a pool and everything.

I was stripped out of my amazement when i heard Logan clear his throat. It made me realize I had probably been staring at my surroundings for a bit too long. I looked at him and smiled, embarrassed.
- "You have a lovely house!"
He smiled again, a closed mouthed smile this time, which made me notice his lips, cute.
- "Thank you. We're having the photoshoot outside, come check it out!" He did a little jog past me and opened the door to the backyard, I followed, still looking around like a lost puppy.

- "You have a pool! I love it!"
- "Yeah? Maybe we could swim a little after the shoot." He smirked.
I was thinking of a comeback but I only gasped when I saw a tiny ball of fluff running around.
- "Is that a dog? I want to meet it!"
He chuckled, clearly fond of how excited I got about his pet.
- "That's Kong. Kong the savage. Coolest dog there is." He called it and it came over to where we were standing, Logan then picked it up and stepped closer to me so I could pet Kong.
- "Ooh he's so soft." I smiled and looked up at Logan, who was already staring down at me. It was in this moment that I properly noticed our height difference. I looked at his eyes for a brief second and then kept petting Kong. Man those are some pretty blue eyes.

- "So what clothes am I modeling today?" I asked to break the awkward environment that had settled.
- "Only the hottest merch in the game. Come look." He placed Kong down and it immediately ran off onto the grass. Logan and I both walked upstairs into a room filled with clothes.
- "Everything looks really comfy." I said, looking around.
- "You're damn right everything in here is comfy."
He handed me a cropped grey hoodie and a pair of black leggings.
- "Should I go put these on right now?"
He chuckled.
- "Probably yeah."
- "Okay." I smiled and turned around to walk away but stopped. "Umm, where exactly?"
Logan walked past me, placing his hand on my lower back for a second.
- "Follow me."

He then led me to his room and walked out so I could change. After putting the clothes I was given on, I noticed there was a cage in the room with a really pretty bird in it. I walked closer to look at it. Logan knocked on the door, making me jump a bit.
- "Come in."
He walked inside and smiled as he saw me in his merch.
- "That's Maverick. He's the inspiration for this whole clothing line."
- "That's really cute." I crossed my arms, still looking at Maverick.
- "Shall we go?"
I looked at Logan and widened my eyes, briefly forgetting what I was there for.
- "Oh! Yes, yes." I walked towards him and we both went outside again.

A photographer was already there, I posed alone for some photos and then did some along with Logan.


We ended the shoot and I was back in my own clothes, crouched outside playing with Kong.
Logan came and stood next to me.
- "Would you like to eat something?"
I stood up and flipped my hair as I turned to face him.
- "Yeah sure." I smiled and we walked into the kitchen. I leaned into the counter, resting my arms on it.
- "Do you have a ride home?"
I shrugged. He's quite caring.
- "I'll call a taxi to pick me up." I watched him as he prepared us a snack.
- "If anything, I can drop you off at home."
- "As if I'd let you know where I live." I said teasingly. He chuckled.
- "I'm sure you will eventually."
I smiled, glad we could have a little banter.
- "What's that supposed to mean hm?"
He handed me some food, took a bite out of his and walked away smirking, ignoring my question. He's teasing me? Game on.

I sat down across from him in the living room and crossed my legs, eating. The tv was on so I just watched whatever was playing. Although the only thing I was paying attention to was Logan looking at me, which I could see from the corner of my eye. I'll give him something to look at. My top was slightly low-cut, so I leaned forward, setting my plate on the coffee table, this made my top lower a little more. I didn't need to look at Logan to know he was staring at my cleavage. I sat back up and acted as if nothing had happened.

- "So!" I said a bit too loudly, making him jump a little. "What time do you want me gone?"
He kept eating and mumbled.
- "No time."
I smiled but pretended I didn't hear what he said.
- "I'm sorry what?"
He set his plate down and stood up.
- "I'll drive you home, come on."
- "Ooh what a gentleman." I grinned.
He smiled so cutely and walked to the door, opening it for me and bowing.
- "Madam."
I smiled, playing along.
- "Thank you kind sir." I walked outside and he followed. "Umm, which car are we going in?"
- "Which one would you like?"
I smiled devilishly.
- "The bus." What else was I meant to choose.
He stepped inside it and I followed, flopping onto the love sacks.
The ride was quiet, but comfortable in every way possible.


We arrived at my place and Logan parked the bus, which obviously took two spots, making him pay two meters. I giggled.
- "That's what you get for being extra."
- "It's what I get for being awesome."
I smiled and walked towards the front door of the building, then turning to him.
- "Well thanks for the ride." I looked up at him and smiled widely.
- "You're not gonna invite me inside?" He smirked.
- "Maybe next time." I said, hoping he'd get the hint that I wanted to see him again.
- "You're gonna have to give me your number for that." He pulled out his phone and I typed in my number, then handing it back to him.

I smiled up at him, biting my bottom lip slightly. I tend to do that when I'm happy.
He looked down at my lips and grinned.
I cleared my throat, ending the moment and held out my hand.
- "It was lovely meeting you. And your pets."
He held my hand and kissed it, making me blush a little too hard.
- "It was great to meet you too."
I smiled and turned around to open the door. I stepped inside and before closing it I said;
- "Text me." I smiled.
- "I will!" He half yelled as he walked back towards the bus.
I smiled to myself at his blond hair bouncing as he walked and closed the door. What a day.

When will Logan text me? Will we get to hang out again? How would that go?
Chapter 2 coming soon! <3
Hope you liked this one

BOYFRIEND MATERIAL - LOGAN PAULWhere stories live. Discover now