Chapter 4 - So Dreamy

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I got up and opened the door, my best friend stood there with a big smile on her face.

- "It's girls night!" She said as she raised a plastic bag, filled with popcorn and some beverages.

Oh my god i totally forgot about girls night.
I smiled and let her come in. Logan stood up to greet her.

- "Oh is this the guy you told me about?"
(y/f/n) asked excitedly.

I mentally palmed my face. Well this is embarrassing, no going back now.

- "Yeah, that's him. That's, Logan.."
I answered awkwardly.

I looked at Logan and could see he was enjoying this. He shook hands with my friend and walked up to me as she went into the kitchen to set everything down.

- "So you've been talking about me huh?"
He smirked, clearly smug at the recent discovery.

- "I only mentioned you because I was talking about Kong."
I tried playing it off, failing.
Logan stepped closer to me and whispered into my ear;

- "I'm sure that's what it was."

I wasn't sure how to react to that. So i just cleared my throat and changed the subject.

- "I'll see you on Friday?"
- "For sure. I'll text you."

He then said goodbye to my friend and winked at me as he walked out. He's annoyingly hot.

6pm, Friday

The week went by excruciatingly slow. But I was so glad it was finally Friday. I had been thinking about Logan and the kiss way too much throughout the past couple days.
I couldn't help but wonder if it would happen again. I really wanted it to happen again.

I was home watching tv when my phone went off. It has to be Logan. I got up and stumbled into the kitchen where my phone was charging.
Finally. I thought as I saw his name.

(Logan): Hey cutie. In the mood for a bus ride after dinner?

(Me): Hii, sounds lovely!

(Logan): I'll pick you up at 9. Dress comfy ;)

I immediately got excited. Something about Logan just made me want to be with him all the time. He has such a nice energy, I can't not be happy around him. Or maybe it's just a crush.
I definitely have a crush.

I had dinner and changed into leggings and a hoodie, that's about as comfortable as it gets.
I was actually glad I didn't have to get all dressed up. I like casual.

The doorbell rang and I opened the door, smiling so widely my cheeks started to hurt.

- "Hi blondie!"

He chuckled at the nickname.

- "Hey babe. Ready to go?"

I nodded and we got downstairs and into the bus. I felt bad having him drive while I'm all snuggled in the back, so I threw a lovesack next to his seat and sat down, looking at him.

- "So where are we going?"
- "There's this hill that overlooks the whole city, it's amazing."
- "Someone's romantic." I teased.

He just smiled fondly. He had such a nice smile. I loved the way his eyes wrinkled when he did so.

I didn't realize I had been staring until he looked at me. I shifted my gaze to the road quickly. There were a lot of cars, but as we got closer to the hill it was just the bus on the road.

Logan parked and opened up the window that leads to the top of the bus. He climbed out and held out his hand to help me up.

The view was amazing, there were so many lights. The city looked like it never ended.

- "Wow." I said in amazement.
- "Told you."

He then wrapped his arm around my waist as we stood side by side. I leaned my head on his shoulder and just stared at the breathtaking view in front of us.

I closed my eyes for a second, a little overwhelmed by the moment and everything that had happened with Logan so far. I smiled to myself and just focused on his touch. He was so warm. Probably so cozy too.

- "What are you smiling about?" He asked softly.
- "I think I have a crush on you."
I blurted out, immediately realizing what I had said. Oh no.
He chuckled.

- "That's funny cause I might just have a crush on you myself."

I looked up at him, our eyes met. I smiled, quite relieved now. He smiled back and lightly kissed my head. I feel like I'm in a dream.

We stood there for a couple minutes, just enjoying the view and each others presence.
We then got back inside and I flopped down onto one of the lovesacks.

- "Mmm so comfy." I mumbled contently.
- "Glad you think so, cause that's where you're sleeping tonight."

I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

- "What?"
- "We're spending the night here. If you're fine with that."
- "As long as you keep me warm I'll be okay."

This one was so lame but cute right?
I wonder what their next step is gonna be.
Chapter 5 coming soon! <3
Hope you liked this one, please vote if you did :)

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