Chapter 4: This Means War

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The bed was cold, but I could hear voices down the hall. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and got out of bed.

Once in the hallway I could hear Zayn talking to his mom.

"I think it'll be perfect timing..."

"I do, too."

Zayn's head turned when I came into sight and a smile spread across his face.

"Good morning, love. How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay right now," I spoke truthfully.

Being able to spend at least the night with Zayn made me feel a whole lot better. I felt...rejuvinated. I was still sad that Elle was gone, though. It was just something I would have to learn to live with, a hole in my heart. I didn't understand why this had to happen to me was just a freak accident...

"I was just about to see if you wanted to do something today before I leave...get both of our minds off things."

"Yeah, I'd love to."

"Good, wear something...old."

I went into the bathroom and quickly washed my face. My hair was a mess so I brushed it out and fishtailed it. My tummy was already getting smaller so no more maternity clothing. Back in the bedroom, I decided to try on my skinny jeans.

Wiggle, wiggle, slide...they fit. I guess this could be both a good and bad thing. I slipped a white t-shirt on and a pair of Sperries then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth before meeting Zayn back in the living room.

"That was fast. Did you want to eat something?" Zayn looked up at me from the couch.

"I'm not really hungry."

I'm too excited to spend time with you.

"That's a first in a while!" Tricia called from the kitchen.

Zayn chuckled to himself then stood up and took my hand and said to his mum, "We'll be back later," before shutting the front door.

He opened the passenger door for me then went around and got in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Its a surprise."

"Should've known."

We drove through the streets of the city and Zayn parked on the side of the street next to old buildings. I didn't even notice Zayn hop out when I read a sign that read, "Annie's Art Studio."

My door opened and Zayn helped me out.

"What are we doing here?"

"You'll see. Just be patient," he held the door open and intertwined my fingers with his.

"Ahh! Zayn! How are you?" a girl stood behind a counter with paint in her dark wavy hair and a brush in her hand. Next to her was a canvas with colorful abstract paint splattered all over it.

"Good, thank you. Is your mom here? I called her late last night for a favor."

"She's on lunch break, but told me about it. Hi, I'm Annie," she turned to me.

"I'm Abbie, nice to meet you," I gave her a smile and we shook hands over the counter.

"Same here. Follow me," she stepped out from behind the counter and motioned for us to come with her.

Our shoes clicked against the hard wood floors, except for Annie's, she didn't have any shoes. She led Zayn and I to an empty room that was covered in white sheets. The only things in the room I could see were buckets of colorful paint at the end of the room.

Elle's Elephant [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now