Times with Tom

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//A/N: Wow! Over 1000 reads!? Thank you all so much!! I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! And I hope you guys want me to write more!

Now, let's get on with the story!

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You had a dreamless night of deep sleep, it seemed to have went by in a flash as you felt the darkness melting away, and the world around you coming into focus.

As you slowly started to make out noises and shapes around you, you heard one noises that caught your attention. It was your name being called over and over again. As the world became clear and sounds became comprehensive, you took notice of a figure standing at the side of your bed.

It was Marco. You weakly pulled the covers over yourself, groggily telling him "five more minutes" as you closed your eyes and attempted to slide back into the realm of unconsciousness. Your attempts failed as you felt the covers being yanked off of you and two arms wrapping around you and pulling you out of bed. You groaned in protest and slapped at his arms until he let you go and you groggily pulled yourself to your feet, glaring at Marco with a facial expression that let him know you were definitely not a morning person.

"Good morning, Princess~" he coed as he ruffled your bed head hair, making it messier then it already was. You playfully punched his shoulder and slowly stumbled over to the door, yanking it open and making your way down the hall and into the bathroom. "What time is it?" You called down the hallway as you turned on the sink and splashed some cool water on your face. "Around 7 am!" Marco answered, you responded with a groan at the realization of how early it was as you turned off the faucet and started going about with your morning routine.

Once you exited the bathroom, with your (h/c) hair brushed and your body covered by a fresh (f/c) dress you used your wand to teleport into the bathroom, you took notice of Marco standing near the bathroom door, you also noticed he wasn't dressed. "Hey Diaz, how come you aren't dressed or anything yet? We can't go on adventures with you looking like you just rolled out of bed!"

Marco shrugged and motioned to your room door "I just woke up, I came into your room to wake you up before I was able to get dressed or anything." You paused for a moment and smiled, it seemed quite sweet of him to get you up before he got ready. You felt your cheeks heat up a little and you bounced over to him and hugged him "Aww! Thanks bestie!" You felt your face heat up a little more when you heard him inhale sharply, clearly not expecting the hug, and his heartbeat speed up a little, but you pushed those thoughts out and focused on being thankful for his kindness.

"I-It really wasn't a problem, seriously, it's no big deal.." he trailed off on that thought and went silent afterwards, you took notice of that as you let him go from the thank you hug and turned to face the window that was at the end of the hallway. You skipped over to it and gazed outside and down at the neighbor hood houses. "So!" You began, trying to change the subject "do you have any plans for today? Or can we just go monster hunting in the forests!" Marco walked over to you and leaned against the window frame, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I kinda have school today.. and don't you have to go to school too?" He questioned as he pushed himself off the window frame and started walking back to his room. You quickly bounced off the frame and ran over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and spinning him to face you. "EEE! You're right! I do have to go to school today!! That means we can go to school together! And you can introduce me to people!!"

As you finished your celebration, you noticed how close you and him actually were to each other, if you leaned in a few inches, you could touch noses with him, or kissed him! You immediately let him go and backed up a little, feeling embarrassment wash over you. "O-Oops! Haha, sorry!" You laughed and shuffled back to your room and quickly went inside, shutting the door behind you and slapping your hand to your forehead.

"She's mine" (Marco x Reader x Tom) Where stories live. Discover now