A Day at School

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"what did you just call me?"

Marco seemed to tense up, quickly realizing he might have crossed a line with that nickname.

"I-I uhm.. shoot." He awkwardly shuffled from foot to foot and scratched the back of his head "aha, sorry." He goofily grinned "I just remembered that name from one of your stories from Mewni. Didn't your dad call you it or something?"

His attempt to ween the subject onto something else to avoid shame caused a slight smirk to flicker across your face. You nodded "yep! It's my dads nickname for me." Marco nodded "ah, okay. I'm guessing it's sorta a special nickname for family then, right?"

You shrugged "Eh, I guess so." You paused for a moment, then your eyes lit up. "Ooh! I've got an idea!" You chirped "why don't you make up a nickname for me? A special one that only YOU can call me!" You smiled brightly and twirled around, clearly happy with your new idea. Marco watched your little spin fest and chuckled softly, mumbling "adorable" under his breathe. You didn't hear it. You were too busy thinking of your own ideas of nicknames.

"How about-" RRRRIIIIINNNGGG!!!!

You were quickly silenced by a loud ringing noise coming from the school. You had nearly forgotten that you were in front of the school! Turning to Marco, you witnessed an expression of horror quickl dawning his face. "Oh my god," he whispered "we're.. WE'RE LATE!!"

He swiftly grabbed your arm and pulled you with a force only a warnicorn could match when running. Hastily pulling you into the school and sharply dodging down the quickly emptying hallway as kids shuffled into their classes.

"Marco! Slow down!" You called, slightly surprised that you would be the one asking to slow down. But you felt as though you might not be able to keep up with his quick pase. "Maybe humans move faster when they're scared?" You wondered to yourself "but why would Marco be scared?"

"We can't alow down, (Y/n)!" Marco cried, turning again and bursting through two doors, revealing a staircase. He took off once again, running up the stairs. His hand slipped slightly and fell down your arm until he was grasping your wrist. "Why not!" You retorted, struggling to not trip over your own feet as you stumbled up the stairs. "Because! I've never been late for class before! Ever!!" He cried, his voice cracking.

You couldn't help but snicker at that, Marco turned around and squinted at you. Just as you two reached the top of the staircase, you barely had time to take a breath in before you were pulled off your feet once again as he practically dragged you down another hallway until he screetched to a hault in front of a classroom.

"Only a few... minuets late.." he gasped for air and sloppily grasped at the door handle, still fighting to get enough air into his lungs. You caught your breath a little quicker, and patted his back until he was breathing normally again too. "Not the most athletic.." you noted "but can move fast when late.. cool!" He stood up straight and readjusted his backpack — which had nearly fallen off of him — and turned to you. "Ready?" He said through barely functioning lungs. "Ready!!" You chirped.

You both entered the classroom and were greeted by a rather unsightly woman. She looked as though she didn't take much care to grooming herself, or any at all.

She scowled at you both. "I'm surprised at you, Diaz." She gurgled, her breathe blasting across the room and into your face. "Eck.. reminds me of Warnicorn breath!" You thought, your nose scrunching up. The woman's gaze then quickly focused on you, you could have sworn you saw the fires of hell in her eyes. "You however, don't belong in my class!" She hissed, pointing a chubby finger at you. "Out!"

You felt your knees beginning to buckle and you started to take a step back, your arm grazing behind your back and into your backpack to clutch at your wand. However, Marco calmly rested a hand on your shoulder Giving it a soft pat as if to say "it's alright."

"She's mine" (Marco x Reader x Tom) Where stories live. Discover now