I'm sexy and I know it

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Panting in front of Victoria's house while I try to figure out if my cheeks are wet from crying or sweating I realized that I might actually die right now, or black out because of the lack of oxygen. But why do you lack oxygen Becca? You might ask and to that I tell you....

Fuck you that's why... no okay I'm not that mean.

I lack oxygen because I just ran 3 blocks to reach my best friend's house while sobbing, and now I'm regretting it because I don't have enough oxygen for a breakdown with a plate of exercise on the side, besides I don't do running, or jogging....or any other exercise existing on this planet.

After catching my breath I walk up the steps and for the first time in a while I actually knock on the door. Believe it or not but Victoria and I have been practically sisters since kindergarten, her family was my family and my family (excluding the  excuse of a mother of course) is her family.

A shocked gasp shook me out of my thoughts. Ah yes I forgot I probably looked like a raccoon with my mascara running down because of crying and me sweating like a pig while my hair stuck out in a hundred different direction what a sight for Ms. Anderson to see. "Becca honey what's wrong?" Victoria's mother Emily asks. Looking at her worried expression makes my heart clench at the thought of leaving the people that actually care about me behind, I let out a sob "Vic-victoria p-please" I manage to choke between sobs. Woman keep your shit together don't show weakness, everybody smells that darling. That little voice in my head speaks up and I actually agree with it for once.

"MOM WHO IS IT?!" I hear Victoria scream from upstairs, I heard her footsteps down the stairs probably too curious to see who's knocking. "OH MY GOD BECKY! " yep there's no backing out now. "Hey," I try to act nonchalant while I wipe my tears. Lol hai der viccy I'm just casually crying here hahaha  no worries it's all good lol. Yeaaah....no. This never works with Victoria, if she senses something wrong with me she would do anything to get me to fess up, and then she'll do her best to cheer me up. We would even come up with legit and unlegit solutions. I can definitely say she is a shoulder to cry on, when she isn't annoying the daylights out of me off course.

"Don't hey me!" she scolds angrily, grasping my wrist , "SORRY EMILY" I yell at her mother, still standing at the door with a knowing smile on her lips, as Victoria pulled me upstairs, not even bothering to acknowledge her mom. Typical. "AW! Stop it you're gonna bruise my wrists with your python grasp Vicky" I said pouting. "Shut up. I don't care." So caring....

Throwing me on the bed as I land with a thud, she stood in front of me with her arms crossed, she kind of looked funny, trying to be intimidating. Victoria is not really short, but she isn't tall she's  5ft 4 , and me being 5 ft 7 I was always taller than her and many other girls in my class, I looked intimidating compared to others that are shorter than me. "Are you trying to look scary Vicky?" I asked smirking, "are you trying to change the subject Becky?" she shot back. "Touche". "So are you gonna spill or shall I torture you?" she asks getting impatient. "Ugh fine it's my mother   I spit with anger and bitterness. "Oh god! What happened this time. You always get on HER nerves I never saw you have a breakdown because of her before."

"Well that was BEFORE she got the idea that we should move" "WHAT?! Ugh that woman always acts irrationally according to anger" she says gripping her hair as I scoff "Irrational? She becomes bat shit crazy!!" "Well yes, but why did she get the idea now?" "Apparently she got a new job that requires her to move out to a mystery place" "She seriously used the mystery card?" "YES CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! She's not even telling us where we are going, or what the hell is the job!" "Okay okay let's think about it" As you can see I am most definitely not the rational  one between us. She was always thinking before acting. I'm not sayin she wasn't wild because she is very much so, she's also really crazy, but when it comes to serious moments she controls her emotions and acts rational and shit. I don't know about her.

"Let's not think about it" "What are you planning to do Becky, you can't stay here alone, and getting on her nerves more, will most certainly get you nowhere" "yes I'm fully aware of that but Vicky I don't wanna move out, I've been here my whole life and I"ve got you and how can I just leave all of it?" A glint of mischief flashed through Victoria's eyes. Oh shit I know this glint, this "I'm gonna do some crazy shit and you can't stop me" glint. "Vicky?" "Hmm.." she looked deep in thought "VICKY!" "WHAT?!" "ARE WE GONNA GET DRUNK TO FORGET ABOUT THIS SHITTY DAY OR WHAT?!"  "I don't think we should" she mumbled biting her lip.





"Woooo" Vicky screams as she waves her hands from side to side as we listened to "Sexy and I know it". I looked down at the two bottles of vodka and the pizza boxes. Aren't those a bad combination together? Ah, whatever. "Bruuuh maybe we should close the window" I slurred to the dancing Vicky, "why on earth would we do that?" " so the wi-fi doesn't escape off course". We stared at each other for four seconds before we started laughing, as I took a swig from the vodka bottle. "Wat- watcha gonna do when you move bish" "Idk probably dance in the street screaming I'm Sexy and I know It" "Damn we are drunk" "Got that right." .  

I've never seen a diamond in the flesh. I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movie an-

"OMG I LOVE THIS SONG" Vicky and I yell in unison. "wait why is your phone glowing?" vicky asked. "Phone glowi- Oh I think it's ringing Vicky" "Ohhhh." "Yeah" I mumble as I answer the phone "Yello it's coco speaking" I slur . "Becky?! Please tell me you aren't drunk" "JAYYYY MA MAAAN. Me? Drunk? Pffffffttttttt NEVER" "Becky oh my god you gotta come home" Jason spoke frantically "To see you mom. No thank you I'm crashing at VICKAY'S Big Bro" "Becky mom told me where we are moving to" "Oooooh great. Now bubye" NO WAIT you're gonna want to hear this, We aren't moving till next week, so you have a week left and oh my god becky" It's been so long since I heard such desperation in Jason's voice, he literally sounded broken, but I was too drunk to care, I heard him sigh "Becky we are moving to New York" Maybe it's because what he said made me too shocked, and maybe I drank too much, but after this sentence.... I blacked out. 


Sorry for the log wait guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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