Trouble In The Big City

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HELLO LADIES, GENTLEMEN, UNICORNS, AND ANY WATTPADER OVER THERE. First of all, Thank you very much for choosing my story to read. Even if it was your last choice it's still much appreciated. So I was always the person to only read stories on Wattpad even though I had ideas for some stories but I was afraid of failing. Anyways, you're not here to hear about my sappy story, I just hope you tell your friends about this story if you like it, and if there are any mistakes or things you would like then comment your thoughts! WITHOUT ANY FURTHER STALLING, HERE IS THE PROLOGUE OF MY FIRST STORY EVER "Trouble In The Big City" ENJOOOY!!

||Prologue: It all Starts Here.||

"We're moving!" Mom screeched angrily as she immediately started moving. "Ignorant Mother who thinks she knows best for me but clearly doesn't say WHAT?!" I screamed back, "BECKY!!" My brother scolded as he came from the kitchen munching on a bacon, "JUST LEAVE IT" my dear mother grumbled shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

"As I was saying. I got a new job that pays very well. Way better than any of my previous jobs,I already visited the company, and better than here is an understatement" mom started happily then continued "Besides I'm sure a new job in a new place will give us all a very fresh start, people there are definitely more polite than here, maybe they'll be good influence on you Rebecca. They can teach you how to act like a lady and how to treat your mother with the respect you lack." she finished her speech with a sickly sweet smile.

Oh it's on like donkey kong!!

"Excuse me?! Why mother enlighten me how I mistreated you. How I treated you badly without a reason. Oh mommy I am very sorry for disobeying and mistreating you! Oh cruel, over driven mind, what have you done! Oh Satan you have played with my mind, you have made me so cruel......"I paused rolling my eyes, as mother's anger continued rising as she continued to glare at me. That's when I did something a little too stupid for my liking... I continued.

"You have put all this hostility between me and my mother who was such an angel. OH HOLY FATHER I HAVE SINNED..........MY IGNORANT MOTHER I AM SORRY I SHALL CHANGE I PROMISE!" I ended my speech, rolling my eyes with sarcasm dripping from my tongue. Mother was fuming even more now "YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE-" "MOM! BECKY!! STOP , JUST STOP GOD DAMMIT" My bro, Jason interrupted the fight before it got too serious and I had to stay at my best friend's house for a week.....again.

"Listen to your ungrateful sister throwing insults at me Jason! Could she get any more ungrateful? I raised you!!" "Yet you acted as if you never knew us and left us for a two whole effing years because of the problems between you and Dad, mom, you should give her a break, you kind of deserve it" Jase reasoned.

That's why he is my favorite! Amen Brother Amen! "Well as much fun as I had talking to you mother, I have a club to smash and a friend's house to crash at so ADIOS MUCHACHOS!" I said heading towards the door, but was cut off as my mother roughly grabbed my wrist and yanked me back, landing me on the couch, "How civilized," I mutter rolling my eyes, I heard some heavy breathing that belonged to mom. "Listen up here Daughter I have had more than enough of your despicable behavior! I have tried to work whatever problems you have with me but nothing is fucking working!" "How about a fucking time machine?! Huh?!" I screamed,as flashbacks played in my mind. Without even realizing it tears started pouring out of my eyes, but no I wasn't going to show emotions, especially to a person like my mother, the mother who neglected her children.

"Listen up, and listen up closely Becky." "It's Rebecca for you mom" I interrupted, a look of surprise came across my mom's face and hurt flashed through her,once sparkly, cold, green eyes before she continued "Okay....Rebecca, as I was saying, I cannot tolerate this anymore!! You treat me like I am worse than a stranger!! You are very ill-mannered for my liking Becky, that's why we are moving to the city, it would be a great change and maybe it will teach you respect which you definitely need!" Mom finished her rant. I felt my heart sink, she is really considering moving...for some reason I felt anger rise in me. How could she?! " You can't do that!" I said almost in the same time my brother said "Are you kidding?!", mom had the ghost of a smirk on her lips "no I'm not kidding. And actually Rebecca I think I can", my eyes widen and Jason's fists and jaw clenched. "What?!" we both raged, "Well yes I think it's best for you two, don't forget mother always knows best" she said cheerfully, this is when Jason snapped "What about our friends, our lives, everything we worked for?!" he exclaimed. "We can always start a new beginning," and that is how an aggressive argument grew between my mom and Jason, but me?

I felt sick, like I couldn't breathe. we're moving?! I thought she was joking. I feel like puking. I looked back from the front door as their argument got fiercer. I needed to go out,leave, this past hour has passed so fast and I just want to pause and rewind. I opened the front door quickly, running to go see my best friend Victoria, she is the only one that will help me, as I ran towards her flat, three blocks from our house. My thoughts roared in my head but one thought stuck around,almost as if it was mocking me. My life is never going to be the same again.

So Here is the prologue I hope you liked it :D If you did then don't be shy and





Amy xoxo

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