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It is a cold winters afternoon. You've just gotten home after a very news filled doctors appointment. The news they gave you terrified you to the core and you didn't really know how to take it.

'A baby. A life is growing inside of me right at this moment. I was on the pill, we always used protection.' The thoughts running around your head.

As nervous as you were you kept it all inside, and sure the baby wasn't planned and you just only gotten your first apartment with Toby, but hey what's the worst that could happen?

'What if he leaves and I have to raise the baby alone? How will I tell my parents?! What if they disown me, they never did like Toby. Mama would hate the fact we aren't married aswell.'

You being lost in your thoughts hadn't noticed that you were already at your front door. Quietly opening and closing the door you head to the living room to wait for your boyfriend.

You sat there alone and anxious but after about 5 minutes you started to hear faint noises from down the hallway.

You run to your small kitchen and grabbing the rolling pin for self defence (it's what you found first), quickly making your way through the apartment. Searching and listening for the intruder. You checked the guest bedroom and the bathroom but no one was there? But You've looked everywhere ...except your bedroom.

You stood in front of the door for a minute and heard......moans this time, making your breathing slow and body shake. Steadying the rolling pin in your shaking hands, slowly reach for the door knob and turn it pushing the door open not knowing what was behind it.

The scene laying itself out in front of you was your best friend and your boyfriend sleeping together.

Once the two heard the noise they stopped rubbing on each other and looked to the door, seeing you standing there with tears in your eyes, the look of utter betrayal and disgust covering your face.

Almost instantly they got up and covered themselves to ramble excuses. "YN this and YN that." After the  initial wave of shock passed you were furious. As they rambled hot angry tears made their way to your eyes.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You shout not caring if neighbours could hear. Both Toby and Susannah shut up almost instantaneously. You continued to speak trying not to let your voice crack, "So I come home, genuinely excited to see your sorry ass and for what? To find out that Im being cheated on behind my back and not just that it's WITH MY BEST FRIEND!?"

Both of them hung their heads not having anything to say. A light humorless chuckle made its way out of your lips,
"Susannah , my best friend for the past 12 f*cking years ,the one i trusted have betrayed me. You were a sister to me Susie!" Susannahs golden messy hair falling over her face as she looked towards the floor.

You looked at them and saw Toby with tears running down his rugged face." YN I'm sorr-" you sharply cut him off, "You are NOT sorry for your actions. You are just sorry that you were caught.

I always knew you two were too close. I had a hunch but i said 'nah they wouldn't do that' and look where that fucking got me. Suzannah I never thought you were the home wrecking type. But I'm not blaming you two for this, I'm blaming myself." 

You scoffed in their faces as they tried to explain their terrible actions. 'If this is the first time I've caught them how long has this been going on?' You thought.

You maneuvered around the other two in the room to pack a medium luggage and whatever chase you had saved over the past year.

Toby tried to grab your wrist to stop you from leaving the room, you yanked your arm from his clammy hands. Making your way into the living room you throw the house keys in the kitchen.

The kitchen where you once made romantic dinners with Toby in, where you two had planned your future together, the kitchen you wanted to tell Toby of the life you two had created together.

You threw the front door open tears still running down your now red face. Walking out into the harsh winter air.

"Where are you gonna go? You can't just leave me, YOU NEED ME BITCH.", Toby was spouting frantic unthought words from his stupid mouth trying anything to get you to stay.

You replied with a straight face and a blunt, "I have absolutely no idea but i know it's away from you and your mistress. I'll leave you to it, Good fucking day sir."

As you walked away from the front door you turned to look at Toby's pathetic face once again.

"Oh by the way, I'm pregnant. Just thought you should know. You're not going to see MY baby so don't try it asshole." The look of shock on his face was amazing but he slammed the door closed yelling at Susannah. Wiping your tears,You left with your bag in tow not caring where the world took you.

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