Part 1

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Laf's POV

"Mon Amours let's go, we will be late to meet the Schuylers I haven't seen them in so long." I know I saw them last week but they're just so nice to be around.

I grabbed my soft dark blue winter coat and matching scarf to brave the colder outdoor weather.

John and Hercules exited the house wearing their coats but Alex stood at the door refusing to put on his coat.

"Alexander put it on now or you'll get sick from the cold." Hercules says while grabbing his phone from his pocket.
all I heard was a grunt response from Alex as he put on his gloves and coat.

After locking the door we head down  to the parking garage. We got situated in the large car to leave our apartment.

'No one should be able walking today, it's WAY too cold.'


John POV
'They have an art shop. AND A PET SHOP!' I looked around the mall pointing at all the different shops on our short walk to the food court.

The Schuyler's were waiting for us by the Marble Slab. Angelica had a vanilla ice cream in her hands, Eliza a strawberry and Peggy had the blue cotton candy flavour.

"HI GUYS!!" Laf waved at them until they noticed us.

When they turned and saw us Peggy shoved her cone in elizas hand, ran up and jumped to tackle Herc.  We laughed as they fell to the ground catching the attention of some of the other holiday shoppers.

After we had hauled them off the floor, and Angelica scolded Peggy we were off to explore the deeper parts of the mall. I was only focused on getting to the ice rink. "I haven't skated in so long"

Alex was talking to Peggy and Herc to Angelica about seeing patterns and different threads. Laf was walking ahead alone just babbling to himself.

This gave me an idea!
We were all going to fall behind and leave Laf walking until he realizes he is alone. Then we will scare him 'This can't go bad right?'

I quietly whispered the plan to everyone and they all reluctantly agreed.

I counted of silently '1........2.........3......' we all stop walking while laf keeps on walking blissfully unaware of our scheme.  We try to hold in the bubbling laughter and almost fail.

Alex's POV
'This is actually pretty funny' I thought with a smirk on my beautiful face.

Did we just pass a STARBUCKS!??
I turn and run off on a mission just to hear Johns voice yelling "ALEXANDER STOP!" but I didn't care , There was liquid fucking gold involved!!

I ran to the cafe to order my drink, a plain black coffee. But after I sat down to drink it Hercules comes to go off on me about safety and getting lost.

The others pop up behind him after a minute then i realize.......'Where is laf?!?!?!'

My eyes widened as i rushed to drink the burning hot coffee.
"Guys *cough cough* where is laf?! We all left him behind!" Everyone else freezes  in their realization.

"Guys calm down we will find him. He's a grown man he'll be okay, He was walking towards the children's area of the mall right?",  Herc kept calm but was worrying a bit, I could see it in his face.

We and the Schuyler's split up into groups to search for the lost French man.

After I checked into a hotel I had decided to head to the mall. Leaving the building it was already snowing.

I pulled my coat tighter around my body to keep as warm as possible. 'No need to catch a cold now'

When I arrived I see a large group of people running into the Starbucks but Didn't pay any attention to their antics. "Wow they must really like their coffee?" I whispered to myself.

'This place is kindov crowded today. Isn't it? Well it is the holiday season so that's dumb to ask'

I wander for a while until I reached a baby boutique. It's decorated in the cutest pastel colors, stars on the walls and some hanging from the ceiling.

Upon entering I walk around and see little dresses, tutus, socks, trousers and the most adorable baby shoes with mini dinosaurs on them. Nursery furniture going from wall to wall with stuffed animals right beside them.

I aww at almost single everything ' why are baby clothes so cute!?'

I browse the store and I see the cutest outfits In the store front. I went to look at the them. It's the cutest pale yellow shirt and creme overalls with white flowers on them. With matching shoes to go along with the outfit.

Okay now I'm looking forward to motherhood a bit more now. I asked the employee for the outfit and she rung me up.

"That'll be 20.57 m'am." I grabbed my card to pay while she talked to me. "Are the clothes for you or a gift?" "Oh, well there for my baby" I said smiling.

"Awww your husband must be happy." She smiled as my started to frown. I wanted to say something but I don't, it's not her business of my home life. "Yeah so happy" I grabbed my bag and left the store trying not to cry.

I keep walking until I turned to talk to talk to Alex , but he wasn't there.
EVERYONE WASN'T HERE ANYMORE!!! 'où sont allés mes amours?' I kept walking aimlessly until I walked into someone.

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