Part 19

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It was a nice calm afternoon in the Hamil household until "I DIDN'T KNOW TOU WANTED THE GOLD ONES! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YELLOW." "ALEXANDER HOW IN THE FUCK DID YOU GET 'YELLOW' FROM THE WORK 'GOLD'!?" Ah- you see, YN has entered her nesting stage of her pregnancy. You know- the typical "not this color", and the "I don't want the cribs there it makes the room look cheap."
Whelp let's see how this will play out.
"Alexander You insufferable little midget I will tear you limb from baby sized limb! I wanted the gold hued curtains for the nursery. Not yellow!" "I understand hun but this is what I found on the desk. Not any GOLD curtains." 'He better keep running if i waddle just fast enough I'll reach him.' I move around the house trying to reach Alexander while failing miserably. "Hey baby- what's going on here?" "Oh, nothing John, sweetie can you do me the simple favor of grabbing Alex for me?" I had to say in my sweetest voice to convince him enough. Alex was shaking his head no extremely hard while John was considering my ask. "Uh- sure whatever to keep you from doing that -he points at the both of you- to me. ALEXANDER babe, come her now." I just happily watched as John chased Alex around the house trying to catch him.
"You guys are being to loud. You're gonna alert-" "What is going on. Ugh come on you guys are NOT setting a good example for Ansell, now are you?" You all just realized that while they were running and screaming utter craziness at each other their son was sitting on his mini throne, just watching the craziness unfold with the chuggington theme playing in the background. "Mama, what is an insufferable little midget?" "Baby, it's what your pops is ok." I walked over to my boy and bent down to the bast of my abilities to kiss his head. "Ugh Alex don't look offended, even IM taller than you." I watched as realization washed over his face. "Well, that doesn't matter when I have a huge di-" 'Oh poor Alex he doesn't realize his huuuge mistake.' All you can hear in the next couple of seconds was Herculese's hand came in contact with the back of Alexander's head. "Tssssssss" we all flinched at the sound. "Damn, that'll teach you for cursing in front of our baby." Kissing and snuggling Ansell as close as the belly will let me.
Alex continued to rub his now throbbing head. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "So mon amours and mi petite garçon, what do you want for dinner?" "Ooooh daddy I want roni and cheese with French fries!" Ansell was waving his little hands around and talking animatedly. "Ha ha, ok little one I'll make you your foods." He passed us giving Ansell and I a kiss to the forehead, and two kisses to my belly.
As YN was busy getting Ansell ready for bed, the boys were cuddling in bed discussing possible names for the twins.
"How about Maya felicity and Joseph Christopher?" John was babbling names while the others judged them. "Nah boo, it doesn't go well with the vibes we have going on in this house." Herc added his commentary. "What about the names Nala Adora for the girl and Simba Camden for the little man?" Alexander was really trying to give some input here. "You know what? I genuinely love those names. Our princess Nala and our little prince Simba." Laf was off in dreamland imagining the very eventful life they will all soon come to know.
As they continued to discuss this you came in to the room exhausted from bathing, dressing and calming Ansell with 6 bedtime stories. "Babes make room, mamas gonna collapse." They boys the parted like the Red Sea to make enough space for you to lay down without squishing your belly. "Mfffh mhfff mfhh." You mumbled into the pillow trying to make conversation while you were about to pass out.
"My love, we came up with possible names for the Bébés." This woke you up a little bit making you sit up on your pillow to support your aching back. "Ok let me hear them." "Well Alex came up with both of these names. I guess he's trying to make up for earlier." Hercules was laughing quietly as to not awake Ansell. "Uhm- I was thinking the name Nala Adora for the girl and Simba Camden for the boy? I was just rambling when I came up with these names you don't have to-" "No, it's fine Alex I actually like those names for the babies. But the real burning question is.. what's going to be their last names? Like I DO NOT want them to have that scum bags name. Actually I don't want him to even know they were fucking born when they are." You we're thinking long and hard about this decision. "And how will I tell them when they are older like 'Hey you two actually have ANOTHER sibling. But don't pay attention to that just keep living your sweet little lives.?'" You we're really starting to doubt yourself. "Hey hun it's ok whatever you choose for the babies we will stand by it. Whatever it takes to keep you and them happy." John wrapped his arms around your swollen belly and kissed it gently while talking to the babies. "Hello Nala and Simba . I'm your papi, you two are gonna grow up sooo strong and your going to be like your older brother Ansell. Oh I can't wait till you meet him. He is the sweetest little man. He'kk help us take care of you two when we need it so you'll be seeing him around lots. Hey hun" John looks y'all at you to see you passed out with your hand half running through his hair. "Good night guys." He kisses you, your belly and the rest of the boys as they scooter closer to each other to sleep. "Good night my loves." Was the last thing they heard before falling into a blissful sleep.
As some of you may know I changed the babies names because... LION KING IS THE BEST!!!!
I just like the names and would personally name my actual kids Nala and Simba.

 LION KING IS THE BEST!!!!I just like the names and would personally name my actual kids Nala and Simba

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