Part 7

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Narrator POV
The next day day at 1:00 pm
"Hercules stop messing around it's time to leave!" You yelled playfully. "But hun, I-" "Come on hun let's go" you said as you practically dragged him from the house.
        +Time skipssss to the office+
'Whew, we made it right on time' the both of you sat down to wait for the nurse to call your names.
"Ms.(L/n)." "Come one herc they called us" You said shaking the dozing giant. "Ok m'am follow me to the back and I'll get you situated to see the doctor."
You guys entered a room set up for your appointment. The nurse left and you sat down on the exam bed while herc sat on the chair next to it.
6 minutes later
A knock at the door was heard. "Come in" "Good afternoon, I'm Dr.Jefferson and I'll be doing your checkup today." He walked in to set up the equipment not looking at either of you. "Sooooo......" He looked up genuinely shocked.
"Hercules I didn't think you'd be knocking up another while you had the other three on your arm." He said with a mischievous grin.  Looking at Hercules you saw he was calm. He responded back with, "Yeah and I didn't think you'll knock up Martha while you were with James. How old is that baby boy now Jefferson, 2-3 years old now huh" Thomas cleared his throat saying "Whatever, let's get this over with"
He grabbed the wand and the gel "This is going to be a bit chilly ok." He squirted the gel on your belly and you shivered a bit. After a minute of looking he found your baby. "Oh hello there little one" you said looking teary eyed. Hercules looked the the ultrasound amazed. Thomas moved the wand around and he stopped. "Uhhh, there's a second baby here as well." 
"Wait what, I didn't hear you correctly. Repeat that please." "There are two babies ,m'am."
Hercules and your reaction when he said that-

"Hercules and your reaction when he said that-

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