Part 4

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Your POV
A bright light stirs me from my sleep. As I sit up in the bed I start to feel hot bile rising in my throat. Quickly Sprinting out of bed and running down the hall I make it to the bathroom in time to empty my stomach.

*MORNING SICKNESS* I start puking into the toilet for a bit until I feel someone's presence behind me. They start rubbing my back and telling some one else to get some water and Advil. God dammit this burns. I can feel the tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

Alex's POV
I wake up to the sounds of feet running down the hallway. A door slams open which fully wakes me. I'm kind of worried what if something happened?

After skillfully dodging the people in the bed, I open the door and go to the noise. I turn to see YN puking her guts out in the bathroom.

I quickly run to her rubbing her back and I see John walking down the hallway, "Johnny can you please get YN sorm Advil and water. She's gonna need it."

'Does she gave a cold, is she ok, do we need to take her to the doctor?'
Being lost in my train of thought I didn't notice John coming into the bathroom with the stuff I asked him for.

Once YN stops vomiting and wipes her mouth looking at me terrified. "It's okay YN. It's probably just a bug" and give her the water and Advil but she refuses the Advil. 'Why won't she take the medicine, it's supposed to help her get better.' John crouches down and pets her hair whispering in her ear.

She starts tearing up after a couple seconds which evolves to her full on bawling. "YN hun don't cry."

Herc POV
I'm cuddling in bed with a half-asleep Laf when we hear loud crying. We get out of bed and leave to the sound of the crying. YN is bawling her eyes out while John and Alex try and comfort her.

I enter the bathroom with Laf trailing behind me equally worried I assume.
I crouch down Alex and John move away from her and I try to calm her down. I rock her in my arms. Cradling her I start to talk to her "YN, listen to me ok, breath in 1..2..3..4 and out 4..3..2...1."

She started calming down after a couple minutes of doing this with me.
Once she was fully calm I asked her a simple question. "YN do you know why you are throwing up like this?" I looked up at everyone else and they looked scared. She nodded into my chest, and opened her mouth to say "Yeah I do."

She kept her head down and said in a barely audible voice "I'm pregnant."

John POV
"I'm pregnant."
We stopped and just looked at her. I think she could tell we were because she curled into a ball and started crying silently. "Uhm..." I piped up " that's ok let's just get something to eat and we'll talk about this ok." I kiss her forehead, get up and walk away. 'Maybe this was her "otyer thing

Lafs POV
"Oh mon age, it's ok" cradling and rocking her till she was well enough to stand on her own. When she stood up the rest of us stood up to walk to the kitchen for breakfast.

Herc got there before us and started to rummage in the pantry for any food items. "Uh hey YN what do you want to eat?" Herc asked.

She just shrugged her shoulders  "(favorite cereal) I guess." She isn't really feeling like herself and I could kinda tell.

I started up the anticipated conversation. "So YN, the guy that we....ugh how do you say encountered last night is the baby's father huh?"
She nodded while eating her bowl of cereal. I saw a faint smile on her face but then it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

She teared up a bit but quickly wiped her tears away. "Yeah, his name is Toby. The one reason I'm here is because he-He cheated on me. WITH MY BEST FRIEND!" She pounded her fist on the table but cooled down pretty quickly. 'Gosh is this what mood swings are like?'

Alex asked her "What do you plan to do? know with the baby? Are you gonna keep it?" We all looked at him in shock but YN shrugged her delicate shoulders, "I don't really know but I know now you don't want me here anymore so I'll get out of your hair."

She then got up and we all started arguing saying 'we didn't want her to go' and that 'she should stay' until John yelled "Don't go, I-I- like you!" Wait to go John...

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