Timely Accidents

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  My eyes went wide and I shook my head. 'No Whisper. I wont kill them!' I said in a paniced breath. She began to chuckle. 'Julia, you can not deny our masters wish. It will simply lead to your undoing. You don't want to hurt me do you?' I took a slow shaky breath. Did I want to risk hurting Whisper? She had always been there for me. Called me beautiful. She had cared for me when no one else had. Sure she was mean about it but she only did it in love.

After a minute and twenty-seven seconds I shook my head no. She smiled and I felt her lips kiss my neck. "Good. Now the blood moon lasts only tonight. This is when our power is strongest my love. Use it well." Her voice echoed in my mind and I carefully got out from under Hannah. I would keep her alive as long as I possibly could.

I looked in my bag and relized I still had the rope and the knives in it along with a the bottle of acid I used on Drake. A smirk found my lips at the memory and suddenly a lust for blood like no other filled me. I grabbed the rope first and went to Hannah and tied her hands but when I pulled away and looked to Eryn and Sam they were both looking weirdly at me. 'Fuck! You idiot now we have to wait! I wont get as much power now you retarded child!' Whisper yelled and I winced feeling a sharp pain in my side. "Um... Julia what are you doing?" Eryn finally asked. THINK THINK THINK... GOT IT!

I grinned and put a finger to my lips. "Just pulling a prank on her. I was going to put her in a toat and get you all to help me push her down the steps." Sam chuckled and got up coming to me. "I'm in." I smiled a bit. And we grabbed two bandanas and blinded her then gaged her. By this point she had woken up and was fighting us. We all laughed as Eryn helped us. She screamed into the gag as we put her into a plastic toat and closed it. She was kicking and struggling but we grabbed all the pillows we could find and threw them to the bottom of the stairs. I ran to the bottom. "OKAY PUSH!"

There was a muffled scream and grunts from in the toat and once it tumbled onto all the pillows the lit had fallen off and she rolled out the blindfold off and her hands pulling ut the gag. " YOU ASSHOLES!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GETTING KIDNAPPED YOU WHORES!" Eryn Sam and I were all doubled over laughing and she kicked me right where I felt the pain from Whisper and I yelped. "You deserved that you jackass." she said angryilly and crawled to the kitchen to get a knife. I got up going after her, while the two on the stair top continued to laugh and post the videos on snapchat, instagram, twitter and everywhere else.

I walked in behind Hannah who had just got her hand on the knife she was trying to grab but she lost her balance and began to fall, dropping the knife. I caught her just in time but my foot was right under where the blade fell and I closed my eyes in pain but it quickly fadded to a pleasure and I could hear Whisper moan. Hannah shrieked, "Oh God! Julia I'm so sorry!" Eryn and Sammy came running in Eryn being horrified of blood nearly fainted. I put the knife on the counter and hobbled to the bathroom. "I'm fine just let me be." Was all I said closing the door locking it on Hannah who no longer looked pissed but worried.  

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