A Monster

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  I ran back into the kitchen and began to reach for a knife when Whisper stopped me. "No, no, she needs her dinner." She said softly purring in my ear. I frowned as I looked to the boiling water now a sicly pink with random bits of skin and a melted eye bobbing up and down in the hot water. I took the whole pot and pried open my mothers mouth and began to pour it in. She coughed a little bit as the mixture cause her to gag. I could tell some of the mixture went up her nose and I smirked, so happy to see her struggling. Once it was all poured out I lowered myself so I could look in her eyes, "I hate you." Is all I said and then I hit her as hard as I could with the pot several times, until she was dead.
I breathed heavily standing over her a smug grin on my face. I had never felt so alive, so invigorated, so ready to kill. Just then the doorbell sounded and my phone vibrated. "Fuck." I breathed out coming back to reality, I quickly cleaned up the mess, I could worry about little details later. After hearing the door bell ring 7 more times and several loud knocks on the door I growl and throw the bloddy rag on the ground, not giving a fuck anymore. She would find out sooner, or later as I had prefered, anyways. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as she began to call me and I whipped open the door. "Sorry I was listening to music and lost in a book." I say smoothly pulling her close. I have always been good at lying and it never bothered me before, but when I lie to her it is like I am kicking myself in the stomach with metal boots.
"I should have known." A sly grin on Hannah's lips as she pecked my cheek. I merely rolled my eyes and quickly took her to my room; being very careful to block her view of the kitchen which still had a puddle of blood on the floor around my, now dead, mother. Once we walked into my room and I flicked on the light she took a step back, "Um, Julia, did you turn on the light?"
"Yes. But my walls are black with a little bit of red at the trim lines, it will take some time to get used to but its nice." I say smiling, but she frowned.
"We should repaint your room." She said looking around, obviously creeped out a little when she saw a few knives just sitting around my room. 'See Hannah wants you to change. She doesn't love the real you.' Whisper said harshly in my head. I shook Whispers harsh remark off; though I felt a strange pang of hurt in my heart. 'Strike one.' Whisper added just as it began to fade. Again I ignored Whisper and sat on my bed, "What colour should I repaint it?" I asked as Hannah sat beside me after exploring my room for a minute and some seconds.
"Hmmm." She said furrowing her brow obviously thinking, "We should make it a royal blue at the ceiling line and then fade down to a sky blue." I thought about it for a moment finally nodding.
"So long as I get to paint the trim black." She shrugged, and laid back on my bed. I couldn't help but smile at her and lay beside her pulling her close. Whisper as uaul tried to ruin it but when the charlie horse started in my foot I quickly spread my toes so that the pain would cease.
Our cuddle sesion turned into a cute makeout scene and then after a while a more heated one; but she pulled away when my hands began to slide up under her shirt. She went to the bathroom and I smiled warmly feeling the place on my neck where a hickey would soon appear. But when I heard Hannah gasp and fling the door open my smile faded. She had one of my blades in her hand. 'You idiot you forgot to put it away! That is strike two.' Whisper hissed and the cuts on my arm from the day before suddenly stung more than ever. "Julia why?" Her broken voice and sad expression made me want to cry and I reached for her. Instead of letting me hold her she pulled away. This caused a tear to roll down my cheek, "It just helps me."
"Helps you? How could this help you? Why did you never tell me? Do you really not trust me that much?" The questions left her lips so fast I could barely understand her. I reached out for the blade but she snatched it back. "You should have told me." She spat.
"Hannah, please. I just have really bad depression and it is an old habbit." My voice was soft but I was trying so hard to choke back the tears as I knew Whisper would trow a fit should I let them lose.
"No Julia! This isn't how you handle this!" She practically screamed at me then left my room heading right for the kitchen. I tried to move but my feet were rooted to the floor by the time I was out the door a shrill cry left her lips." She had seen the blood. She knew. 'That is strike three.' Whisper said calmly and then before I knew what happened I was looking at my horrified girlfriend who saw me no longer as her girlfriend. She saw me for what I was. A monster.  

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