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  Seeing her stand there absolutely terrified caused something to stir inside of me. It made me so sad that she would now only view me as a villain; but at the same time it excited me. The look of horror on her face caused Whisper to chuckle. She was beginning to take over and I knew this would be the end of it. The end of the one thing that made me feel human.
Hannah took a step back and reached into her pocket to where her phone would sit, but when her face paled I knew she had left it. A cold, dark, menacing laugh left my lips. "Who would you call anyway? You're parents will be asleep thinking that you are safe with me." My voice had turned dark and scratchy. Whisper was taking over.
I tried to stop myself when I felt my body moving forward but instead a horribly painful headache started and things became blurry. I started to hear more voices as my body lunged forward and I heard Hannah scream in terror. The dark laugh left my lips again. Her face soon came into focus as I saw her eyes bulging and saw her blood vessels strain. Whisper was strangling her.
I had to stop. "NO!" I cried out and as if I had thrown my own-self back I felt myself crash onto the ground. Being in control I went back to Hannah who was struggling for air. I pulled her in my arms. "Hannah, listen," I said hastily as I felt Whisper trying to take hold of me again, "It isn't me. There is someone, Whisper, inside of me. Pl-aaaghhh!" I cried in pain as it felt as though someone had stabbed me in my kidney and then taken a crowbar and hit my rib cage. "STUPID CHILD!" A demonic, no longer pure voice said aloud. Hannah backed away in fear looking around the room in panic.
I was suddenly thrown across the room my head hitting the fridge hard causing everything to go fuzzy again. "You will not take my last sacrifice from me," The demonic voice spoke again, "I am the ultimate servant of the dark! It is time for me to be reborn. You know me as Whisper for that is what I called myself as a true angel. But my true name. The name that was given to me by the dark master himself... I am Aosoth!"
I forced myself up off the floor only to be pushed back down by the unseen force. Everything was going black. No. No. No. I can not let Hannah die. I wont! I used all the strength I had left and managed to stand. I took three steps toward Hannah but was pushed back down than lifted up.
The next sensation I felt was as if something were forcing itself inside of me by peeling away my skin then suturing it back over. the pain was so strong I could not even utter a cry. The dark laugh which erupted from my lips was that of pure evil. My body controlled by Aosoth stepped forward; pain shooting through my body the whole time.
The closest knife was a steak knife which my body tingled in excitement as my hand clasped hard around the hilt. Hannah slowly backed away corning herself against the sink and dishwasher. Again the menacing laughter came from my lips. Aosoth reared back my hand but before the blade could fall to hit its cowering mark my body collapsed. I would not let her die. Before Aosoth could regain control I trust the knife into my own chest. It was over.

I could hear a faint beeping sound as well as hushed voices. One was so familiar yet the other was not.
"Ma'am your daughter has been in a coma for almost a year now. The odds of her waking up are zero." I heard the woman who the doctor, which was no doubt a man, take a shaky breath. I felt a light pressure but I could not tell where it was coming from.
"I just can't let her go. I've already lost her father. I can't loose my daughter too." That voice was so familiar. So pure. Where had I heard it before?
"I understand but you've already told me about you financial situation. Also at this rate we will only be able to keep her here for one more week. That is all I can do. I'm sorry." The doctor said halfheartedly. The woman took in a sigh, "Okay." The woman's voice cracked and I felt the pressure leave. "I'm so sorry Julia." What? Why is she sorry? What is going on? I want to know what is going on!
After a time, I do not know how short but it must not have been long when the doctor said, "She should not be stable anymore. She is off life support..." I could feel myself coming back. I do not know from where but I could feel the thin sheets around me. I could smell the dull sterilized hospital room. I could smell the little bit of blood from where my I.V. had been removed. I could see. It was bright but I could see two figures. One a woman the other a man. No not just any woman. My mother. My loving mom who had kept me on life support this whole year. What had happened? The accident! That is it.
I stirred slightly a soft sigh leaving my lips. Wait. What about Hannah? Was that all a dream? It must have been. A second short sigh left my lips. Well at least I am not a monster in reality.

The End  

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