Chapter 5 - Diagon Alley

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July 31st, 1991 (P.O.V- Amelia's)-

I sat on the sofa and read through the book. It was quite interesting, although I had to get up multiple times to look at other books to find out what a few of the things in it were.

A while later a large man with a bushy beard opens the door and comes in.

"Hello. You must be" The man said with a distinct accent.

"Yes..Are you..Hagrid?" I asked meekly.

"Yup. Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts." He responded.

"A-are you going to take me to Diagon Alley?"

"Of course, how else will you get your supplies? Anyway where is Professor Snape? I can't believe he would be the one taking care of you. I wonder what in Merlin's beard Dumbledore was thinking."

'Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, lord knows the man has lost his marbles. But he is one of the most powerful wizards alive.'

As if on cue, Severus walks into the living area and scowls.

"A pleasure to see you as always Hagrid.." He says sarcastically.

"Sorry about that Professor, I never really thought of you as someone who would jump at the offer."

"Who said I did..The old man forced to adopt the child."

A small bit of sadness went through me. I should've known that no one would want to adopt me. He was just assigned to adopt me. I'm nothing more than a burden.

"We should really be going, I have a boy waiting for us outside. He doesn't do well with new people you could say."

"Amelia, go with Hagrid to Diagon Alley. He'll make sure you get to Hogwarts."

I nodded and followed Hagrid out the door, where there was a boy about my age and height wearing glasses waiting.

"Harry this is Amelia your si..School buddy? Well she'll be going with us to Diagon Alley." He explained although the first part sounded like a question.

"Hello I'm Harry Potter." The boy, Harry, stuck his hand out.

"Amelia Williams. Nice to meet you Harry." I greeted and shook his hand.

July 31st, 1991 (P.O.V- 3rd Person)-

Hagrid had lead Harry and Amelia into the Leaky Cauldron where Harry was bombarded by people who he had never met before.

They eventually leave and walk in front of a brick wall. Hagrid taps his umbrella a few times and the wall moves apart before their eyes. Amelia is still amazed at the possibilities at magic.

Hagrid had to drop off a small package at Gringots before going to two seperate vaults filled with golden coins. He explained to the two that their parents had left them some money before they passed away.

July 31st, 1991 (P.O.V- Amelia's )-

  My parents left me money? A strange feeling went though me..was it joy? No..maybe I was the only person they were able to put on their will before they died.

Hagrid had told me to go to Ollivander's with Harry. Harry seemed nice, he didn't seem like those kids who would bully others.

"Is that it?" Harry pointed to a shop with the name of the store we were looking for on it.

"Seems like it.."

We walked through the doors, the shop was empty except for a man with white hair. He walked over to the desk and gave us a kind smile.

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