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A/N: This story is published under a different ff.net pen name (spike that ass). Just saying.


"Oikawa is an asshole."

The girl looked up from her piano. She was just about to start playing, but had been interrupted by her sister opening the front door and slamming it shut. "I don't understand, nee-chan. Who?"

Her sister's eyes were smudged with tears and runny mascara. "Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything, sorry. Sorry." She wiped at her face with the back of her wrist, sniffling.

"It's okay. I forgive you."

Her sister's smile wavered. "You make me so sad, Shino. The kind of forgiveness you give out is so cruel."

"I don't understand."

"That's fine." Her sister moved over to where Shino was sitting at her piano, patting the younger girl's pale blonde hair. "You don't have to."


Kunimi Akira exhaled as he kicked a stone, looking the epitome of a bored teenager. He lifted his arm, checking his watch.

He's five minutes late already and school starts in fifteen. Yeah, I'm not taking any chances. Shrugging to himself, he began to walk off, placing earbuds into his ears and letting the world of music consume him.


Kunimi sighed. There went his peaceful morning. "Hey," he drawled without turning back, "You're late again, Kindaichi."

"Sorry!" Kunimi raised an eyebrow at the piece of toast that Kindaichi grasped between his teeth.

And here I thought that the toast in the mouth was only a girl thing.

"Shall we go?" Kindaichi invited, walking ahead.

"That's what I was doing before you showed up."

Kindaichi flushed. "I overslept, okay? Don't act like it hasn't happened to you before..."

As the two boys made their way to school, they passed by a house that had been recently sold. There used to be an old couple living there, but they passed away a few months ago.

"Have you met the new neighbors yet?" inquired Kindaichi through a mouthful of bread. He swallowed.

"No," Kunimi replied, wholly uninterested.

"I think they have a dog," Kindaichi continued, not discouraged by Kunimi's reaction, or lack of thereof. "I've been hearing barking in the middle of the night. It was only when they moved in that the barking started."

"Cool. Can we please pick up the pace? I don't want to be late."

Kindaichi sighed before grinning. "Yeah, sure."

As the two boys walked away, a girl with long blonde hair exited the house, rolling her bike along the pathway to the gate before opening it and exiting.

Yawning, she stretched, mumbling tiredly before hopping onto her bike and cycling away. On the handles of her bike, her fingers twitched, in sync with a melody that was currently invading her mind. She glanced upward as she cycled past two boys, who hardly spared her a second glance, allowing the sun's rays to warm her face.

Suddenly, a bark sounded and she looked down to see a coal colored small ball of fluff with white socks running alongside her, tail wagging and tongue hanging out of its mouth.

Sincerely, Me [Kindaichi Yuutarou] | ✔Where stories live. Discover now