Summer Dreams

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"Ugh, it's wiggling everywhere!" Yahaba shrieked as Watari held a frog up to his face, the brunet boy's visage twisting into a disgusted expression. "Get that thing away from me, Watari!"

It was the last day of training camp, and they decided to spend their afternoon break by the lake, seeing as it was almost as warm as it had been during their second day. Most of them had stripped down to their shorts and jumped into the water body without a care in the world, but some, like Yahaba, preferred to be on dry land. Too bad Watari insisted on teasing him relentlessly about his avoidance to amphibians.

"It's so slimy!" Yahaba wailed when Watari refused to remove the frog from his vicinity. At that, Watari did pull the frog away from the other boy, an affronted look on his face. He seemed to be indignant on behalf of the frog.

"It's not slime!" Watari amended vehemently. "It's mucus!"

"That's even worse!"

"It needs to be kept moist!"

"That's what she said!" Makki called, half-submerged in the lake, cringing when Oikawa tossed an armful of water at him. "Oi, cut it out, bastard! You wanna fight or something?"

"Me and Makki versus you and Iwaizumi!" Mattsun followed with a challenge, eyebrows wriggling. "Or are you too chicken?"

"Chicken?" Iwaizumi echoed, a dark look shadowing his eyes. "In your dreams. Hey, Asskawa, let's knock 'em dead!"

"Gladly!" Oikawa chimed, smirking.

Iwaizumi's eyes narrowed when Mattsun submerged himself even further, allowing Makki to settle on his shoulders. "Oh, so it's this kind of battle." First to knock the person on top off wins.

Makki and Mattsun immediately began to cluck.

"Hrr, shut up! Hurry the hell up, Bakawa, and get on."

"I knew you loved me, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa gushed, climbing on top of Iwaizumi's shoulders.

"Shit, you're heavy."

"Oi! Rude!"

"Can't handle one?" Mattsun mocked, and Iwaizumi rolled his eyes at the third year's attempt to flex. "We could do teams of three if you're game."

"There's no way you can carry another person!" Iwaizumi exclaimed. "You're not goddamn Spiderguy, Mattsun. You're going to mess up your back, and I guarantee you, if that happens, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you."

"I could if it was one of the girls," Mattsun insisted, and Oikawa's smug expression transformed into one of curiosity.

"Hmm, I wonder..." Oikawa trailed off, musing as he tilted his head skyward. I wonder if Shino-chan or Kona-chan would be up for it? Both weren't exactly tall or heavy, judging from appearance alone, so he was sure that they could all handle the extra weight. It wasn't as if Oikawa hadn't carried around one of his smaller consorts on his shoulders before.

"Oi!" Makki called to the shore, where Shino and Ueno were, the former reading a book under an umbrella on the shingle, the other suntanning on a beach towel, a pair of over-sized sunglasses on her face. "You two wanna come? We could use extra teammates!"

Ueno sat up languidly, stretching her arms up in the air and yawning, her shades slipping down her nose. "What's in it for us?"

"You get an adrenaline kick," Oikawa replied, voice raised so that the girls could hear him.

"Alright, I'm in." Ueno stretched again, her whole body this time. Then she removed the robe she was wearing, revealing a modest one-piece swimsuit, which had been dyed a lovely midnight blue. "Iwasaki, get your lazy ass up, hm? I think your boys are feeling a little frisky today."

Sincerely, Me [Kindaichi Yuutarou] | ✔Where stories live. Discover now