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A/N: Omg, it's finally over. Finally, I can mark this as complete and be on my way. Thank you for reading, everyone.

Warning: Suicide; implied self-harm; neglect; abusive relationship: destructive psyche

BPD notes taken from Dr. Frost Webtoon.


Sayori let out a small gasp as she laid eyes on her baby sister for the first time. She was a cute little thing—blonde like her mother with bright, blue eyes. They were paler when they were not under the light, Sayori quickly realized when Miho, worn and weary, passed the child to her husband.

"She's beautiful," Kido murmured, fingering the tiny, tiny tuft of blonde hair on her head. He looked to Sayori, who was staring up at the bundle in his arms in amazement. "This is your little sister, Sayori-chan. Do you want to hold her?"

He knelt down, and Sayori wavered. "But... I fall?" she asked worriedly, looking to her mother.

"You won't," Miho encouraged, the bags under her eyes becoming more pronounced than ever. "Please... just do as your father says. I'm too tired for you right now."

"Okie." Sayori was only two, and she was still getting a grasp on language. She toddled forward, arms outstretched. "Ooft." Her baby sister was heavier than she had expected her to be. "Na-me?" She was too enamoured with the baby to notice that Kido was still supporting most of the babe's weight, knowing that Sayori couldn't possibly carry her all by herself.

"Shino," Kido told her, smiling brightly—brighter than Sayori had ever seen him smile in her two years of living.

"Shee-no," Sayori enunciated slowly. She look down at the baby's sleeping face. Then she broke out into a toothy grin. "Hi, Shee-no baby."


"Okaa-san, look!" For her fourth birthday, Sayori had wanted to go to the local ice skating rink. "Pretty."

"Aa," Miho agreed. She was holding both of her daughters by the hand, while Kido was a few steps behind them, fiddling with a camera.

The birthday was spoiled, however, when an older kid pushed Sayori over on the ice while her parents weren't looking.

"Little girls shouldn't be here," the boy told her, scowling. He was around eight years old, and holding a hockey stick in his hands. "Go and play with dolls instead." Then he was gone, and Sayori sniffled and shuffled her way back to the edge of the rink, leading Shino along with her.

The two-year-old had looked mostly confused with the exchange, as there had been big boy words and big girl words involved, but she seemed to understand the gist of the situation.

"Nee-chan," Shino warbled, patting her hand. "I'm... with you. Here." She pointed to herself, and Sayori thought the red blush on her cheeks (from the cold) was extremely adorable.

"Let's go ask okaa-san and otou-san for ice cream," Sayori suggested.


Shino wasn't very good at balancing, and relied on Sayori to pull her around safely.

"Did you have fun?" Miho asked when they returned from the ice. She then rolled her eyes at her husband. "I swear, this is the twenty-first century and you're still as technologically retarded as ever. We didn't even manage to take a single photo."

"How was I supposed to know that you had to take the lens cover off after fixing the brightness?!" Kido squawked, outraged and out of patience. "You infuriating woman...!"

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