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A black-haired boy smiled shakily as people coming up from behind him dispersed around him, some of them sending nasty looks his way that he didn't catch. He was carrying a black backpack as well as a small suitcase. A loud rattle sounded and Shibayama Yuki turned around to see the train he was on just a few minutes ago shoot away, a new batch of passengers on board.

Taking a deep breath, he walked down the platform, toward the staircase that would lead him outside of the train station. On the way, he passed a memorial dedicated to victims of a train accident that had happened five years ago. Feeling conflicted, Shibayama stopped in his tracks and clapped his hands together in a prayer position. There was a list of names as well—mostly of important people or locals. Mitsuki Sakura. Kageyama Minato. Chan Zack. Makoshima Daichi. Makoshima Minami. People that he had never known, but he was determined to show respect to them anyway.

Shibayama went on his way after that, pulling out his phone just in case he needed to call his aunt, Iwasaki Miho. "Etto..." He scrolled through his contacts so that he would have her on standby. "Ah!" There!

"Get out of the way, kid."

"Ack! Sorry, sir." Shibayama moved out of the way for a businessman in a hurry, the man's eyes perpetually glued to his watch.

Five minutes later, he was outside the train station, the train station's tower looming over him. Where's Miho-ba? he wondered as he looked around for a head of blonde hair.

The sun had already gone down, but since Miho worked in the ER, it might take her a while. "I hope she doesn't take too long," he murmured to himself, closing one hand around his phone and shoving both hands into his hoodie pocket.

A boy with orange hair with a volleyball tucked underneath his armpit walked past, chattering excitedly to a boy with raven hair that looked like he didn't want to be there at all, a scowl on his face.

A girl with a lovely braid walked past after them, and Shibayama snapped to attention, eyes wide as he regarded her flowing braid. Sensing someone's gaze on the back of her head, the girl turned around, blinking.

"Can I help you?" she asked warily.

"Oh! Sorry, it's nothing..." Shibayama replied. As she left, he sighed out a name, "Fuuka..."

A horn sounded and a car pulled up in front of him. The windows rolled down, exposing Miho's tired visage. "Good evening, Shibayama-san. Get in, it's pretty late. Shino made dinner for you."

"Eh? That's nice of her," Shibayama remarked as he got into the back seat after placing his wheeled suitcase in the trunk.

"I know. I was surprised when Kido called and told me that she had dinner handled. My girl's growing up so fast..."

Twenty or so minutes later, they arrived at the Iwasaki residence, Shibayama looking around in awe at his temporary home.

"Make yourself at home," Miho invited. "There's a spare room prepared for you a little further down Shino's room."

"Right! Thanks, Miho-oba." Shibayama always made sure to mind his manners around Miho. She always seemed so serious at family gatherings, and Shibayama didn't want to get on her bad side.

As Shibayama unpacked in his room, humming to a song that only he could hear, the door creaked. On his knees, he turned to face Shino.

"Shibayama-san," Shino acknowledged politely.

"Shino-chan!" Shibayama smiled at got up, pulling her into a bit of an awkward hug. "It's been so long, ne? You're almost the same height as me, hehe..."

Sincerely, Me [Kindaichi Yuutarou] | ✔Where stories live. Discover now