One Per Customer

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Kindaichi grumbled and folded his pillow across his face as sunlight trickled in through his window blinds. It was a Saturday today, and he really did not need to be woken up so soon. He'd spent most of the night talking to Kunimi on the phone and had slept at midnight, and hadn't accounted for an early awakening. Ugh... He kicked his blankets off, throwing his legs off the side of the bed and curling his toes in the fluffy carpet.

"Yuu!" an impatient voice sounded, followed by very loud banging on his door. "Yuu, get your ass up! We're going shopping! Okaa-chan's orders! And then I'm taking you to J-Mall!"

"I'm already up!" Kindaichi snapped back, running his hand through his bedhead. Something heavier slammed into his closed door. "Don't do that, idiot! You'll break your toes."

"Whatever," the voice huffed. "I'm coming in now to make sure that you don't just lounge around in bed and keep me waiting." The door clicked open a moment after that, and Kindaichi gave his sister an unimpressed look.

"Yuuki," he said tersely. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"What?" Kindaichi Yuuki placed her hands on her hips and glanced down at her front, her lips curling into a smirk when she realized what her brother's problem was. "Aniki, I'm fourteen now! I'm allowed to wear crop tops. And it's hot today, anyway." She grabbed the remote that was placed beside the light switch and turned his air conditioning off. "Now, hurry up! Don't keep me waiting, aniki!" Her dark hair, put up in a ponytail with bangs framing her face, swayed as she exited his room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Yuuki, you little shit," Kindaichi muttered as he slapped his cheeks to wake himself up more. She knew I had plans with Kunimi today! I bet she went to okaa-chan and told her something weird.

His phone buzzed; a text from Kunimi. Sighing, Kindaichi typed something back, saying that he wouldn't be able to hang out today. The response was almost immediate; he'd head over to practice at the school instead.

Sweatdropping, Kindaichi couldn't stop jealousy from rising in his chest. At least someone had a good way to spend Saturday morning.


"Oh, good, you're awake," Miho said when Shino entered the kitchen, fully dressed in going-out apparel. "You got my text, right, love?" The woman scratched at her cheek almost sheepishly. Even after all these years, Shino couldn't really comprehend how soft her normally hard-headed parents were toward her. "I have to head down to the ER today, and since your cousin's coming over, I really, really want him to feel right at home! You know how much he loves omurice."

"Shibayama-san loves eggs in general," Shino rebutted as she poured herself a glass of milk. Distractedly, she noted that Keiji wasn't here this morning. It was probably for the better—her parents disliked any animal that wasn't a dog or a fish. "I remember him eating all the egg rolls at Yoshida-san's wedding last time..."

"Ah, yes." Miho nodded. "Anyway, you know what to do! Breakfast is on the table. I have to get going now." Hesitantly, Miho pulled her daughter into a small hug and kissed her temple. "Have a nice day, sweetheart."

Shino finished her breakfast and left immediately afterward, kicking off on her bike and pedaling to the convenience store. It was opposite the school's direction, so she found herself biking past Kindaichi's house.

"Aniki!" someone was complaining. Shino could hear it loud and clear thanks to an open upstairs window. "Does it take that long to shave?!"

"Shut up, it's delicate!" Kindaichi's familiar voice yelled back.

Curious, Shino stopped her bike in front of the Kindaichi residence, her neck craning as she stared at the upper level of the house. I didn't realize he had a sister. Suddenly, a head popped through the window, Shino's eyes locking with the girl's.

Sincerely, Me [Kindaichi Yuutarou] | ✔Where stories live. Discover now