Year 1: im not perfect

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??'s pov

I stood nervously by my mother's side as we waited outside the hogwarts express. She seemed to chuckle at my slight terror. "You'll be fine sweetie. Remember Draco is going too, you'll do great" she told me in a comforting tone as she gently put her hand ontop of my head. "Yes mother" I said with a smile. I held my new wand close to me, i was so afraid to lose it and father didn't seem to happy when I got it. He hasn't even talked to me today.

I watched him stride over to me and mother with Draco at his heels. "Now I expect you both to uphold our name at this school. They hold a high standard in slitherin. Malfoy is a feared and respected name, understood?" He said. "Yes father" me and my twin replied in unison. "Good. Now get on the train" my father ordered bluntly and then he went to turn away but I caught him and made him freeze when I said the words "what if we aren't put into slytherin?". He took a deep breath through his nose and forced a smile as he looked at him. He put a hand on my shoulder and said "your pureblooded malfoys. Slytherin is reserved for only the purest and most perfect wizards. You'll be fine Amelia". I nodded slowly and watched as my parents walked away with linked arms.

"Draco I-" I began but when I turned to look at my twin he was already going in with Crab and Goyle at his side's. I sighed and quickly followed him. My wand clutched in my hand. "Draco wait!" I yelled at him as I hurried along, not fully focusing on what was infront of me, only to run into someone. Our heads bumped off eachother before we fell. I rubbed my head in pain and shakily stood up. I'd dropped my wand! I looked around and saw the person I'd bumped into on the floor. It was a boy with fuzzy brown hair and glasses. "Oh merlin, I'm sorry!" I said quickly as I stuck out my hand to help him up. He took my hand and stood up dusting himself off before smiling politely at me. "It's fine. Is this yours ?" He asked, holding out my wand. I nodded and took it off him. "Thanks.. I didn't hurt you at all right?" I asked in reply. He chuckled and shook his head. I glanced behind him and sighed. "Of course I've lost him..." I said as I put my wand in the pocket of my school skirt.

"You can sit with me if you'd like. You can find who ever your looking for when we stop" the boy said to me. I smiled happily. "Thank you. What's your name ?" I asked. "Harry" he replied simply, almost like he didn't want to give me his last time. "Amelia. But you can just call me Amy" I replied. "It's nice to meet you Amy. Come on let's find a compartment" Harry said to me. I nodded and followed him in, we weaves through the crowds of people and barely got a free compartment as people filled up others with their friends and family who were joining the school. As soon as we got in I shut the door and lay across the seat.

I heard Harry chuckle. I smiled and glanced at him. "Hey. It's comfy!" I told him. "I'm sure it is" he replied. "Excuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full." A voice asked from the door, making me reluctantly sit up. "Not at all." Harry replies with a smile and I let the boy in. He had wild ginger hair and freckles. Oh crap please don't be a Weasley, please don't be a Weasley!

"I'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley." The boy introduced himself. Shit! Draco is going to kill me.. "Im Amy. Amy Amy Malan" I lied. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Harry replied. It took a moment for that to click in my brain. I looked at him in shock. "So it's true! Do you really have the... the..." ron stuttered. Harry gave him a confused look. "The what?" He asked. "The Scar?" Ron asked like he was asking something he was terrified to get the answer to. "Oh Harry said and then he smiled. He brushed back his hair with his hand showing the famous lightning bolt scar on his forehead. I whistled at the sight of it. Damn that looks painful. 

"Wicked!" Ron yelled at the sight of it. I smiled. Is this what actual friends are like? It's way better then just going around with Draco and listening to him go on about basically nothing. "Anything off the trolley dears?" The kind trolley lady asked us, making jump slightly. Where did she come from? And how can she be so quiet with that damn trolley. "I.. I'm not supposed to buy sweets" I replied. Ron frowned a bit and pulled out a very sad looking sandwhich.

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