Year 1: curiouser snd curiouser

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No one's pov

Amy picked at her food at dinner, still confused over what she saw last night in the room with the 3 headed dog. A trap door. So many questioned rushed through her mind that she could barley think. It was a maricale she had gotten though her classes without bowing something up like seamed. When she finally snapped out of her daze and looked at her friends she didn't see Hermione. In fact she wasn't even at the table.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked, noticing her missing aswell. Neville's head rose from his place and said "Parvati Patil said she's wouldn't come out of the girl's bathroom. She said she's been there all afternoon, crying."  Amy glares at ron. "What did you say?" She asked him. He looked offended as he swallowed his mouth full of food. "What are you askin' me for?" He asked in reply. She rolled her eyes "your both idiots" She said bluntly before getting up and running out of the great hall. "Well. She's showing her malfoy colours now isn't she?" Ron mumbled to himself as he continued to eat.

Suddenly Professor Quirrell bursts into the Hall, catching everyone's attention as he began this cream at the top of his lungs "Troll in the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!" Making everyone go silent and causing dumbledore to raise from his chair. And then very calmly the professor continued "Thought you ought to know.." before fainting and falling in a heap on the ground. Naturally, after a slight pause of shock, everyone started to scream out of panic. Half the students got up and rushed for the exit, only for dumbledore to yell "SILENCE!" Making everyone freeze again.

"Everyone will please not panic! Now prefects please escort your house to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." He said calmly. The students obeyed and thought they were petrified the followed their prefects out. Ron rolled his eyes as his brother Percy gave orders. "How could a troll get in?" Harry asked. "Not on its own. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes." Ron explained. Then Harry suddenly stopped. Ron gave him a confused look. "What?". "Hermione & Amy! They doesn't know!" He yelled. Ron went pale and the two darted for the girls bathroom.

Meanwhile Amy knocked on the stall Hermione was in. "Hermione come on. He probably didn't mean it. He just speaks. There is no filter between his brain and his mouth sometimes ok? Come on... you'll be starving. Atleast come out so we can get food and then I'll take you back up to our room ok?" She asked. Hermione sighed and opened the door. She Nodded to at Amy and went to the sink to look in the mirror and dry her eyes. Suddenly she heard a loud thud. The two looked at the door in confusion.

The two go as solid as statues when they see the troll. It states at them for a minute and the two don't move till they hear a familiar voice scream "MOVE!" As the troll raises its bat. Amy and Hermione five under the sinks, only for the beast to swing and shatter half of them. The girls scream for help as they back down to the unbroken sinks, not having any exit. "Hey pea brain!!"Ron yelled as he chucked something at the troll but it had no affect. Harry jumped on its back and for a moment it didn't even notice him.

Harry shoved his wand accidentally up the trolls nose, causing it to realise he was there, grab his foot and throw him about like a rag doll. Now harry was yelling at Ron for help. "Do something!" he begged as he barely dived a swing of the lethal bat. "What?.." ron asked, sort of in shock and disgust. "ANYTHING!" Harry yelled at him as he dodges another blow.

Ron quickly pulls out his wand and points it at the troll. He takes a deep breath and yells "wingardium leviosa!" Causing the trolls bay to slowly float up and up out of his hand, roll it fell onto his head and knocked him out. Harry crawled free from his grip as the girls crawled out from under the sinks. "Is it dead?" Hermione asked. Amy poked its face with her foot, making it grumble. "No. Just knocked out" Harry explained as he slowly pulled his wand from the trolls nose, and with disgust, wipes the snot off it with his robe.

All three of them almost jumped from fright when 3 teachers rushed in, professors McGonagall, Snape and Quirrel. McGonagall shook in fury at the sight of the troll. "Oh my goodness! Explain yourselves both of you!" She yelled at the boys, the girls giving eachother a worried glance, deciding wether to say something or not. As the boys stuttered over their words to explain Hermione interrupted.

"It's my fault Professor McGonagall" she said. Amy went pale and the boys have Hermione a dumbfounded look. "Miss. Granger?" McGonagall asked in shock, wanting an explanation. "I went looking for the troll I've read about them and I though I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me... I'd probably be dead." The girl explained. As Amy opened her mouth to answer she paused for a second as both her and Harry looked at the open bite wound on Snape's leg. When he noticed he quickly covered it.

Amy stumbled over her worst slightly but caught herself and said "and I followed her to prove I could help, Professor. Me and Hermione are the guilty ones. Harry and Ron just saved our lives. "Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behavior on your part and am very disappointed in you Miss. Granger & miss. Malfoy. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for both of your serious lack of judgement." The professor shunned the girls, before turning to harry and ron and continuing. "As for you two gentlemen I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points will be awarded to each of you, for sheer dumb luck."  And with that she stormed off into the hall with snape at her heels. The four friends quickly followed, leaving Quirrel alone with the troll and smiling at eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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