Another day in Hell

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Quick authors note is that the best grammar will not always be used. I'm writing the way people talk and sometimes they make grammatical mistakes without caring. :P



Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

My warm pillow was ripped away from my by a forceful hand, a wave of cold morning air swept across my warm face.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

'Get your lazy a** up and turn off your damn alarm! It woke up me and Braden! And didn't I tell you to leave the window shut! It wastes heat and bugs get in! If I have to come in here one more morning and tell you again I'll bust you up!'

I heard my bedroom door slam shut with unnecessary force. There was the charming (not) voice of my annoying, selfish, childlike, foster "mother"

'Sure, go back to your stoned boyfriend you witch!' I yelled groggily.

Turning off the obnoxiously loud alarm clock which read 7:00 AM and fumbling to find my glasses which were somewhere in my bed, I had a bad habit of falling asleep with them on. After finding that they had fallen into the gap of the bed and the wall I dug them out and rolled out of bed, literally. My body hit the ground with a thud. This was a morning ritual for me, it woke me up, it made sense in my mind.

Jumping up off of the wood floor I closed the widely opened window next to my bed and headed to my small desk which contained the little amount of clothes I owned. I had my previous and current foster parent(s) to thank for that, the only reason they have me here is to collect money from the government so they can continue buying drugs, alcohol and expensive pedicures they wouldn't normally be able to afford.

I grabbed my worn boot cut jeans that were a little high water, a blue Captain America tee shirt and a light hoodie. Now I know what you might be thinking, School right? Not exactly, in fact it was the middle of August. I have a job, at age eleven? Yeah, a couple. I baby sit, mow lawns, and clean houses. I do this so I can one day go to college. I don't spend any money and I hide it from my foster mom and her boyfriend by storing it in a hole in the wall which is covered up by a MARVEL poster.

I made the hole last October when I was angry with Shelby (my foster mom) because she forgot to pick me up from school the fourth day in a row. I sat at the school for a hour and a half until I had to walk five miles to the house, two miles of which it was raining. I just lost my temper.

When I found out the reason why she couldn't pick me up was because she was on a 'business meeting'. She was a part time bartender, they don't have meetings! Shelby just came home with freshly dyed pink hair and a new tattoo on her lower back which is also the reason why she failed to pick me up the other four days.

'Oh well' I said thinking back on it. 'She's a witch and deserves to be burned, or at least put into prison because of her pot fetish.' That thought strangely cheered me up as I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. grabbed an apple and an orange then ran out the door, grabbed my slightly rusty BMX bike (the only real thing I own that's not clothes) and took off down the street.

It was a brisk morning in Anchorage, Alaska. I grabbed my hoodie because even though it's summer the weather has been overcast and chilly. You never know when it's gonna rain so better safe than sorry. Passing street signs and chained up dogs on tiny lawns, I made my way through the city slowly seeing the condition and sizes of houses greatly improving. About six miles later I stopped an expensive looking log home.

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