Confessions of a Witch

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What's up crazy people whom I love!?

New part is ready! I hope you enjoy! And if you don't private message me! :P :D ^_^

And by the way I watched the FIFA game of USA vs. Belgium and may I say that Tim Howard (US goalkeeper) was a BOSS!!!

But don't let my sports talk faze you! ON WITH THE FREAKIN SHOW! :D :P


From previous chapter.


"I took quick, long strides across the front lawn. Grabbing the pocket knife from my cargo shorts I mounted the steps. I took one deep breath and pushed open the front door, ready for anything."


I immediately jumped into a ninja pose.

'Who is being attacked by rabid werewolves!?!' I yelled. I don't really why though. Just the first frightening thing that came to mind.

I look to my right to see Staci jump two feet in the air. Dang I didn't know she could jump that high. You had to give the woman credit as she was wearing a pencil skirt. Those things looked so uncomfortable.

'Uhhhh... Wasn't expecting you here. Maybe a burglar or a ninja turtle would be more fitting for this situation.'

Staci seemed a little out of place in my living room with her business suite and brief case amid the old, stained furniture and cigarette burned carpet.

'Sorry, you scared me with the door banging open.' She looked calmer and smiled revealing a shining row of straight teeth.

I should probably go to the dentist... Get braces since my teeth were a little crooked. Now you might be thinking. What sane kid would want to go to the dentist? Well since I never get to go it would feel good to get my teeth cleaned and straightened.

'It's all right just as long as you promise me you were not seeking to burn down this terrible house or kidnap me.'

Staci started jumping up and down looking all excited. Should I be worried?

'I've got something really exciting to tell you! I've been worried about telling you at first but now I'm not and this is going to be so much fun!'

This pretty much summs up Mrs.Stevenson after work. Professional office lady by work day, spunky, excited chick flick lover by evening. She was still pretty young, Staci had Tobias when she was 19. (She got married right out of school)

Gotta love enthusiasm but it would have to wait. I am in dire need of peeing! After I directed Staci to the less disgusting sofa I ran to relieve myself. After um. Doing my business I ran down the hall only to find myself momentarily flying. The flying I could get used to but the collision with the floor was not preferable.

'Stupid soccer balls, always putting yourself in danger of getting stepped on.' I muttered picking myself up off the ground. I gotta be more careful about leaving my athletic equipment everywhere, which was a lot since I did soccer, baseball, cross country, Jiu-Jitsu, basketball, and boys and girls club football with the boys. I'm only really good at soccer, Jiu-Jitsu and football though. The others are just to pass time. I'm going to try volley ball this year though, who knows it might be fun. An epic game of don't let the ball touch the ground.

'It's okay, I didn't die.' I said as I walked back into the living room. Staci just raised a plucked eyebrow at me but didn't comment.

'So what did you want to tell me?' To be honest I felt slightly nervous. What if it was about her teaching Tobias how to put his brother in an arm bar? No, shut up Kate. The woman said it was something good.

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